Community SSU/FeaturesStable

Features the stable Community SSU provides, for testing see testing features


additional Packages

The cssu stable branch currently contains one additional package that is not installed by default. The package can be installed with HAM or with apt-get.

package application section description
status-area-orientationlock-applet Desktop Hildon statusmenu plugin to control orientation lock (lock to landscape)

gconf settings

The cssu stable branch comes with default settings that are considered stable, you can enable various features by tweaking the following settings:


  • Enable rotation of Task Switcher, Launcher and desktop (remember to rearrange your widgets and shortcuts in portrait, hildon-desktop saves that layout seperately)
gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/ui_can_rotate -t bool true
  • Enable vertical scrolling when in portrait
gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/scroll_vertical -t bool true
  • Enable portrait wallpapers
gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/portrait_wallpaper -t bool true
  • Disable the application menu editor
gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/menu_edit_disabled -t bool true
  • Disable the desktop editing
gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/key-actions/disable_edit -t bool true


  • Make the FMTX applet always visible
gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/maemo-statusmenu-fmtx/always_visible -t bool true
  • Change the number of rows in the status menu
gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/hildon-status-menu/view/number_of_rows -t int 6
gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/hildon-status-menu/view/number_of_rows_portrait -t int 8


transistions.ini is a human readable configurationfile, that is usually located at:


unless you have a custom theme that overwrites it, then you have to look for it in /opt/usr/share/themes/[some themename]/transitions.ini

Applying the changes to transitions.ini

Some of these changes apply as soon as you save the file, while others require you to restart hildon-desktop. You can do so by turning the phone off and on again. Running killall hildon-desktop is not recommended, since hildon-desktop does not come back in a 100% clean state.


This sections is at the very end of the file and contains most of the settings

  • Activate blurrless desaturation, blurrless activates it and blurless_saturation keeps the colour
blurless = 1
blurless_saturation 1
  • Change task switcher (0 = default. 1 = single column, 2 = two columns)
taskswitcher = 1
  • Activate z-axis rotation
zaxisrotation = 1
  • Activate forced rotation (all apps except the ones in blacklist get rotated
forcerotation = 1
blacklist = mediaplayer osso-xterm worldclock image-viewer camera-ui


  • Set paralax

Parallax is when you scroll across desktops and the icons scroll faster than the background, making the icons appear closer. A larger number in the transition.ini file for parallax and the faster the icons will move.

parallax = 2
  • Activate zoom effect when pressing the screen
zoom_on_press = 0