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  osc lspkg  Maemo:Mer:Devel:MaemoCommon
  osc lspkg  Maemo:Mer:Devel:MaemoCommon
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Automatically generated description for wpeditor. Should come from debs?
Automatically generated description for wpeditor. Should come from debs?

Latest revision as of 12:30, 22 September 2010

Image:Mer infobox icon.png
Mer is back : Please visit to learn more about this news.

osc lspkg  Maemo:Mer:Devel:MaemoCommon


[edit] Maemo:Mer:Devel:MaemoCommon

[edit] alarmd

Generic alarm dispatcher. Built for Mer.

[edit] certman

Automatically generated description for certman. Should come from debs?

[edit] clinkc

Automatically generated description for clinkc. Should come from debs?

[edit] clipboard-manager

Automatically generated description for clipboard-manager. Should come from debs?

[edit] dbus-glib

Automatically generated description for dbus-glib. Should come from debs?

[edit] dsme


[edit] email-providers-data

Email Providers Data is a database of Email providers for use in email clients (modest)

[edit] enca


[edit] epeg

Automatically generated description for epeg. Should come from debs?

[edit] gail

Automatically generated description for gail. Should come from debs?

[edit] gconf2

Automatically generated description for gconf2. Should come from debs?

[edit] glib2.0

Automatically generated description for glib2.0. Should come from debs?

[edit] gnome-vfs-filechooser-backend

Automatically generated description for gnome-vfs-filechooser-backend. Should come from debs?

[edit] gtk+2.0

This package is maintained in

[edit] gtkhtml

Automatically generated

[edit] hildon-application-manager

Automatically generated description for hildon-application-manager. Should come from debs?

[edit] hildon-control-panel

Automatically generated description for hildon-control-panel. Should come from debs?

[edit] hildon-games-wrapper

Automatically generated description for hildon-games-wrapper. Should come from debs?

[edit] hildon-input-method

Automatically generated description for hildon-input-method. Should come from debs?

[edit] hildon-input-method-framework

Automatically generated description for hildon-input-method-framework. Should come from debs?

[edit] hildon-notify

Automatically generated description for hildon-notify. Should come from debs?

[edit] hildon-theme-cacher

Automatically generated description for hildon-theme-cacher. Should come from debs?

[edit] hildon-theme-tools

Automatically generated description for hildon-theme-tools. Should come from debs?

[edit] hildon-thumbnail

Automatically generated description for hildon-thumbnail. Should come from debs?

[edit] icd2-osso-ic-dev

Automatically generated description for icd2-osso-ic-dev. Should come from debs?

[edit] libconbtui

Automatically generated description for libconbtui. Should come from debs?

[edit] libconic

Automatically generated description for libconic. Should come from debs?

[edit] libdb1

Automatically generated description for libdb1. Should come from debs?

[edit] libhildon

This package is maintained at

[edit] libhildondesktop


[edit] libhildonfm

Automatically generated description for libhildonfm. Should come from debs?

[edit] libhildonmime

Automatically generated description for libhildonmime. Should come from debs?

[edit] libnotify

Automatically generated description for libnotify. Should come from debs?

[edit] libosso

This package is maintained at

[edit] libosso-gsf


[edit] libsoup2.4

Automatically generated description for libsoup2.4. Should come from debs?

[edit] loudmouth

Automatically generated description for loudmouth. Should come from debs?

[edit] maemo-launcher

Automatically generated description for maemo-launcher. Should come from debs?

[edit] maemo-launcher-dev

Unwire maemo-launcher-dev from maemo-launcher-dev

[edit] maemopad

Automatically generated description for maemopad. Should come from debs?

[edit] mce-dev

Automatically generated description for mce-dev. Should come from debs?

[edit] microb-engine

Automatically generated description for microb-engine. Should come from debs?

[edit] modest

"modest" is a lean & mean e-mail program for Nokia N800 and N810 devices.

[edit] osso-af-settings

Automatically generated description for osso-af-settings. Should come from debs?

[edit] osso-af-utils

Automatically generated description for osso-af-utils. Should come from debs?

[edit] osso-gnome-vfs2

Automatically generated description for osso-gnome-vfs2. Should come from debs?

[edit] osso-gnomevfs-extra

osso-gnomevfs-extra from Maemo

[edit] osso-gwconnect

Automatically generated description for osso-gwconnect. Should come from debs?

[edit] osso-gwobex

Automatically generated description for osso-gwobex. Should come from debs?

[edit] osso-systemui-dbus-dev

Automatically generated description for osso-systemui-dbus-dev. Should come from debs?

[edit] sapwood

Automatically generated description for sapwood. Should come from debs?

[edit] screenshot-tool

Automatically generated description for screenshot-tool. Should come from debs?

[edit] statusbar-alarm-dbus-api


[edit] tablet-browser-interface

Automatically generated description for tablet-browser-interface. Should come from debs?

[edit] telepathy-farsight

Automatically generated description for telepathy-farsight. Should come from debs?

[edit] telepathy-gabble

Automatically generated description for telepathy-gabble. Should come from debs?

[edit] telepathy-glib

Automatically generated description for telepathy-glib. Should come from debs?

[edit] telepathy-mission-control

Automatically generated description for telepathy-mission-control. Should come from debs?

[edit] tinymail

Tinymail is a library for developing mobile applications with E-mail functionality. The framework provides components that aid the developer with the user interface but of course also with the connectivity and the caching of messages.

[edit] tracker


[edit] wpeditor

Automatically generated description for wpeditor. Should come from debs?