(New page: By using these testing images, you're '''morally obligated to test them''' and to edit this page and report -every single bug you find-, no matter if they're theme flaws, quirks, bugs or c...)
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Revision as of 12:23, 8 July 2009
By using these testing images, you're morally obligated to test them and to edit this page and report -every single bug you find-, no matter if they're theme flaws, quirks, bugs or crashes. You can optionally also use bugzilla , use version 0.15.
Please send the bug report urls to mer-chatter (see Mer/Awareness ) as well and share your bugs, testing experiences.
Test master is Meizirkki, and can be found in #mer on usually and you can ask him if there's some specialized areas that need testing. Take the "Completed" things first. If you are testing, go to #mer anyway. Good place to be.
These images will not be the only ones this week. In N8x0 installer, when it asks for URL=, write URL=http://the.image.intended. Instructions on Mer/Documentation/Installation still apply.
These images may potentially turn your device into a insane machine bent on removing humanity from this earth and may potentially brick your device, so, NO WARRANTY. Mer X86 VMDK
Not out yet:
Mer Freerunner, rootfs version (copy /boot to your boot partition)
MD5sums: 486512028b8b14e8b410bf2094e8453b mer-x86-generic-image-v0.15testing6.tar.gz 453d2fdb6aecc8bed54777edaf2325f6