Maemo 6 Developer Guide table of contents

This is a proposed table of contents for the Maemo 6 developers guide. There is an ongoing related discussion on


The developer guide is set up to answer two main questions for a developer of Maemo:

  1. What do I need to do to be able to write my first Maemo application
  2. What can the Maemo platform do?

The proposed table of contents has two main sections: Getting started & prerequisites, and an in-depth guide to components of the Maemo platform, from a functional point of view.

  1. Setup
    1. Hardware
      1. PC
      2. Mac
      3. Windows
    2. SDK
      1. Install
      2. Code
        1. C
        2. C++
        3. Python
    3. Getting Src
      1. DVCS
    4. Compile + Build
    5. Package
    6. Delivery
      1. Extras Repository
      2. Ovi
    7. Test
      1. Tools
      2. Process
      3. QA
    8. Appendix: Reference Links
      1. Detailed Reference Material
      2. UI Guidance
      3. UX Links
  1. Lego
    1. Software Architecture (top-down approach)
    2. Flow Suggestion
      Start with 'upstream' and core linux
      1. gtk
      2. dbus
      3. kernel
      Move on to Maemo services. Focus on high level APIs first and move on to deeper ones (reflects order of interaction for dev)
      1. location
        1. (library / interfaces / api)
        2. best practice
        3. tutorial / example
      2. telephony
      3. gpio
      4. multimedia framework
      5. contacts
  2. Appendix Machine Architecture
  3. Integration Tutorial