


The Mer DVCS packaging process looks like this:


An upstream package is unpacked and the debian/ directory is removed. It is then commited onto the upstream branch.

pristine-tar is used to ensure that the upstream tarball can be recreated perfectly.

master is the main branch and the only non-merge commits directly on this branch should be packaging-based and in debian/

All features or bug fixes are broken out to additional branches; 1 branch per feature or fix. The main difference is that features are not likely to go upstream whilst fixes are. This is very similar to quilt.


Development of a feature is done by cloning master; then branching locally and developing against master.

Once development is complete a new feature branch is created and the development branch is then cherry-picked onto the new feature branch.

Moving a Package to Gitorious

Initial setup

The following scripts need:

 PKG=<package name>
 GPKG=<gitorious-safe package name> (ie [a-z0-9_-]
 UPVER=<upstream version>
 TARBALL=<tarball name>
 TAG=<new version>

Get the upstream source unpacked

 mkdir $PKG
 cd $PKG
 mkdir _tmp
 cd _tmp
 tar xf ../../$TARBALL
 mv */* ../
 cd ..
 rm -rf _tmp

Cleanse the install

 mv debian ..

Create a git repo with the new stuff

 git init
 git add .
 git commit -am"${PKG}_$UPVER"

This is really the upstream branch

 git branch -m master upstream

For keeping an eye on things you may want gitk running. Use File->reload frequently (F5 doesn't work for me)

 gitk --all &

Save state

 pristine-tar commit ../$TARBALL

Prepare structure create master branch from upstream

 git checkout -b master

create Mer branch from master

 git checkout -b Mer

Apply debianisation

 mv ../debian .
 git add debian/
 git commit -am "initial debianize from upstream"

Feature/patch branches

Now apply features from the .diff.gz this has to be done manually

Identify a libtool feature

 git checkout upstream
 git checkout -b mer/libtool

apply hunks

 git commit -am"libtool fixes"

Identify an obs-fix feature

 git checkout upstream
 git checkout -b mer/obs-fix

apply hunks

 git commit -am"obs pthread fixes"

Now any debian/ hunks

 git checkout Mer

apply hunks

 git commit -am"Added Mer debianisation"

Now pull it all together

 git checkout master

look for all the mer/* and patch/* branches and merge them

 git branch -l
 git merge mer/libtool
 git merge mer/obs-fix

now use git log to create a top level ChangeLog entry

 git add ChangeLog
 git commit -m"$TAG"

Mark an 'upstream' release

 git tag $TAG

Now make a distro release

 git checkout Mer
 git merge master

now use git log to create a debian/changelog entry

 git add debian/changelog
 git commit -m"Mer_$TAG"
 git tag Mer_$TAG


Remove all obs code:

 cd ..
 rm $PKG*

regenerate it:

 cd $PKG
 pristine-tar checkout ../$TARBALL
 debuild -S -i.git

Build or examine to verify


Now push to gitorious

 git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/Mer

Logon to and create gitorious project

 git remote add origin$GPKG.git
 git push --mirror origin

on gitorious goto 'Edit Repository' and set default to Mer

Handling new upstream

This shows by example how glib upstream was merged.

Clone the gitorious repository (I made a clone on gitorious first) at

Get new upstream

 mkdir ../patches
 cd ../patches/

Prepare to merge

 git clone
 cd glib2_0-mer/
 git checkout --track origin/upstream
 git rm -r *

replace the upstream code

 mkdir _tmp
 cd _tmp
 tar xf ../../$TARBALL
 mv */* ../
 cd ..
 rm -rf _tmp
 git add .

Now we have a clean upstream release

 git commit -am"glib2.0_2.20.1"
 git tag 2.20.1
 pristine-tar commit ../glib2.0_2.20.1.orig.tar.gz

Apply all the maemo patches to their own branches

 git checkout upstream;git checkout -b mer/25-gatomic
 patch -p1 < ../patches/25-gatomic.patch
 git commit -am"applied gatomic"
 git checkout upstream;git checkout -b mer/30-gfileutils
 patch -p1 < ../patches/30-gfileutils.patch
 git commit -am"applied gfileutils"
 git checkout upstream;git checkout -b mer/35-gmessages
 patch -p1 < ../patches/35-gmessages.patch
 git commit -am"applied gmessages"
 git checkout upstream ;git checkout -b mer/40-gscanner
 patch -p1 < ../patches/40-gscanner.patch
 git commit -am"applied gscanner"
 git checkout upstream ;git checkout -b mer/45-gunicode
 patch -p1 < ../patches/45-gunicode.patch
 git commit -am"applied gunicode"
 git checkout upstream ;git checkout -b mer/50-gthread
 patch -p1 < ../patches/50-gthread.patch
 git commit -am"applied gthread"
 git checkout upstream ;git checkout -b mer/60-wait-longer-for-threads-to-die
 patch -p1 < ../patches/60_wait-longer-for-threads-to-die.patch
 git commit -am"applied wait-longer-for-threads-to-die"
 git checkout upstream ;git checkout -b mer/70_use-monotonic-clock-for-timeouts
 patch -p1 < ../patches/70_use-monotonic-clock-for-timeouts.patch
 git commit -am"applied use-monotonic-clock-for-timeouts"

Now to create a Mer glib from a master

 git checkout --track origin/master

Upgrade entire glib

 git merge upstream

Now we apply in series order.. feel free to do this in different orders

 git merge mer/60-wait-longer-for-threads-to-die
 git merge mer/25-gatomic
 git merge mer/30-gfileutils
 git merge mer/35-gmessages
 git merge mer/40-gscanner
 git merge mer/45-gunicode
 git merge mer/50-gthread
 git merge mer/70_use-monotonic-clock-for-timeouts

Previous Mer patches...

 git merge origin/mer/libtool
 git merge origin/mer/obs-fix

(up to date!)

Now we have a new release

 editor ChangeLog
 git add ChangeLog
 git commit -m"2.20.1-mer1"
 git tag 2.20.1-mer1

And a new Mer release

 git checkout --track origin/Mer
 git merge master
 editor debian/changelog
 git add debian/changelog
 git commit -m"Mer_2.20.1-mer1"
 git tag Mer_2.20.1-mer1

Now push

 git push --all
 git push --tags

The resultant merge looks like this :


Read upwards to progress in time. Note how on the right is the 'upstream' branch tagged at 2.20.1 then you see the Mer patches being applied to master which is then merged into Mer. (There is slight complexity here since the upstream changed to the *real* upstream).

Working from Gitorious

This should be written to say "Clone this repository on gitorious" and then publish back there and then submit a pull request to Mer.

For core work:


 git clone$GPKG.git
 git checkout --track origin/Mer

determine which feature or branch needs work. Then:

 git checkout --track origin/mer/<feature>


Ready to test? You need to make a local test branch based on Mer

 git checkout Mer
 git checkout -b local
 git merge mer/<feature>

Build and test...

If this works OK then clean up your mer/<feature> branch... probably doing a --squash and push the branch to gitorious.