
I am undecided if a whole new page should be created. I have included links below that are on similar topics, to help prevent duplication. The material in my page could be moved to relevant pages and/or new pages created.

Similar pages that should be taken into consideration:







P.S. I have been thinking that a separate page should be created to list the icons, images and screenshots created by everyone in the forum so as to keep the details of modifications less cluttered.

When using the X-Terminal with root access enabled, be EXTREMELY CAUTIOUS!

  • Root access enables you to modify (and thus also DAMAGE) all system files, which can even result in BRICKING the device. If you don't know what you are doing, better don't do it.

Backup files before editing from console: cp filename.conf filename.conf.bak

  • Recommended Apps for File Editing from console:
    • vi (built-in)
    • Vim
    • mc (Midnight Commander)
    • leadpad (can be launched from root console)

Link to root access howto: (sudo gainroot or ssh -lroot)





Startup & Shutdown

Startup Video

  • Original video: /usr/share/hildon-welcome/media
  • Config File: /etc/hildon-welcome.d/default.conf

Cite: Second cite:

Shutdown Image put the png image you want to use in:

Folder: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/hildon

Ini File or Filename: startup_nokia_logo

Reboot phone


Originally Posted by b666m (Post 479324) modded the sms conversation window. 1. moved contact's avatar to the right 2. added own avatar on the left 3. changed some alignments to fit the screen :)


you can install them into ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/hildon and they'll override the system icons, but leave them in place. [Does this apply to all icons adn images??]

  • /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/hildon
    • Signal images
    • Battery1 images
  • /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/hildon/
    • Battery2 images
    • Availability images
  • /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/hildon
    • Availability (Small) images

Transition Effect

The effect when zooming out or closing web pages

  • /usr/share/themes/?????/images
    • wmWhiteSparkle



  • /usr/share/sounds/
  • Offline Notify: presence-offline.wav
  • Online Notify: presence-online.wav
  • Installation Complete: ui-information_note.wav
  • General Warning: ui-general_warning.wav
  • Charging: ui-charging_started.wav
  • Shutdown: ui-shutdown.wav

Transition Control

transitioncontrol app

Smoother Transition Example

Rotate% = 85
Rotate In = 25
Rotate Out = 25
Blank min = 0
Blank max = 0

Power Button Menu

Add Reboot Option

Warning about >50 reboot count:

  • Check count: cat /var/lib/dsme/boot_count
  • Increases by 3 each reboot (Need verified)
  • Make sure to shutdown and only then boot (all this without being connected to a power source) before it reaches 48 (at 51 you're device won't boot!)
  • this has been fixed in PR1.1 update (?)

Edit: /ect/systemui/systemui.xml Uncomment MenuSelection for Reboot [Link to more details]

App Menu

- MyMenu

- Catorise


profile presets



Status Bar

CPU & Memory Icon "cpumem-applet" or "load applet"

POWATOOL: easily remove boot video, and change what is displayed in status bar

Operator Logo

Just install "custom operator name widget" from extras to edit the operator name.


Folders on the desktop

  • Using the browser file:/// then bookmark the selected folder



Extra Decoders


Droid Fonts


Fullscreen Mode

gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/xterm/toolbar -t bool "false"


The following works to add the "|" button on the Fremantle osso-xterm bar:

~ $ gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/xterm/key_labels -t list --list-type=string "[Tab,Esc,PgUp,PgDn,|]"
~ $ gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/xterm/keys -t list --list-type=string "[Tab,Escape,Page_Up,Page_Down,bar]"


This section is for modifications that directly associate with the hardware of the N900. E.g. LEDs, Buttons, Keyboard.


Volume Key


how to swap the Fn and Shift keys

This makes the shift key behave as FN. Edit the file /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/nokia_vndr/rx-51 find:

key <LFSH> {
type[Group1] = "ONE_LEVEL",
symbols[Group1] = [ Shift_L ]
modifier_map Shift { Shift_L };

Replace LFSH with RALT. This makes FN behave like shift. find

include "level3(ralt_switch)"

remove line, and replace it with:

key <LFSH> {
symbols[Group1] = [ ISO_Level3_Shift ]
modifier_map Mod5 { ISO_Level3_Shift };

After editing rx-51, use the command "setxkbmap" in xterm to activate it.

Extended keyboard shortcuts MOD

The easy way to do this now is to download "keyboard-shortcuts" from extras-devel, adds many extra keyboard shortcuts.

-on the desktop, left and right direction keys change desktops

-CTRL+SHIFT+B opens browser window

The keyboard related behaviour of hildon-desktop is now configured by 7 gconf boolean keys:

   * /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/key-actions/default_launcher_positions
     If this key is false, the default positions of the icons in the launcher are disabled, so you can reorder them arbitrarily.
   * /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/key-actions/home_contacts_phone
     If this key is false, the phones and contacts applications will not be called when a key is pressed while in the home screen.
   * /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/key-actions/ctrl_backspace
     If this key is false then ctrl-backspace is free for applications to use, instead of the default behaviour of jumping to task navigator.
   * /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/key-actions/preset_shift_ctrl
     If this key is true, ctrl-shift-x opens an xterm, ctrl-shift-p saves an image of the screen, ctrl-shift-n toggles composite mode and ctrl-shift-h jumps to home screen.
   * /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/key-actions/dbus_shift_ctrl
     If this key is true, then ctrl-shift-letter combinations are reported on the d-bus, allowing implementation of global shortcut keys. H,N,P,X are reported on the dbus only if the previous key is false.
   * /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/key-actions/launcher_navigator_accel
     If this is true, icons in the launcher and task navigator can be selected by pressing corresponding keys:
         o q selects leftmost icon in top row.
         o w selects second icon from left in top row.
         o t selects fifth icon from left in top row.
         o s selects second from left icon in second row.
         o z selects leftmost icon in third row.
         o v selects fourth icon from left in the third row.
     In the task navigator, if the letter is pressed with shift or FN, the corresponding task is closed, instead of switched to.
   * /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/key-actions/dbus_launcher_navigator
     If this key is true, a press of a letter key while in task navigator or launcher is reported on the d-bus. If the previous key is true, only letters not corresponding to icons are reported. If home_contacts_phone key is false, then also keys pressed while in home screen are reported.
  1. ctrl+. ctrl+, ctrl+Space are now also global short cut keys.
  2. Added signals:
   * activate_window with one integer argument, activates the nth window ordered as in the task navigator display.
   * activate_window_time with one integer argument, activates the nth window ordered by the last time window was activated. Use negative numbers to count from newer, instead of older.
   * Same calls with close instead of activate, to close the window.

Those signals can only work when the task navigator is displayed.

   * Non-configurable changes:
         o Left and right arrows change desktops in the home screen.
         o A d-bus signal set_state allows other programs to select the state (application, home screen, task navigator, launcher).

Camera Button

Change function out-with Camera app

Camkeyd or Shortcutd


Proximity Sensor

Proximityd or Shortcutd

Ambient Light Sensor



Link to Brightness App

Battery Info

Desktop Command Execution Widget

Cellular Control

Cellular Modem Control 2G/3G Switcher

Notification LEDs

edit the file "etc/mce/mce.ini" What kind of combinations do work? Does blue&green work? RGB_illumination.jpg red yellow blue white green purple = rb lightblue = bg

red for missed call and power off blue for sms/email/im green for on/ full charge white for device on/charge

FM Transmitter

Simple fmtx desktop widget

Increase Power

Install fm boost which is a script to boost fm transmitter power to 118.

RDS Output

PR1.1 Added a basic version of this feature

"RDS Notify" has more options such as output screen size


LEDs as Flashlight

Flashlight App

Shutter Sound

usr/share/sounds the files are camera_snd_title_1, 2 and 3 1 is the camera shutter sound, 2 is the video recording sound and 3 is the focus sound, just replace them with any working wav sound file.






Need more info on enabling IPv6

Remote WLAN Access To Root / System Files

for easy file manipulation over wifi:

1. install the following apps/software

n900 end: (all these apps are in extras repos)

mad developer - this will request password when installing (WRITE DOWN / TAKE NOTE OF PASSWORD !!)


for pc end:

winscp (

2. open winscp and put the WLAN ip address shown in mad developer in the 'host name'

3. user name "root", password "(password created during mad developer/ssh install)"

4. save > login

5. you should now have access!!

Control PC over Wifi using VNC Viewer

1. download and install a vnc viewer on PC (eg. tightvnc:

2. install "vnc viewer" on N900 (from extras repo)

3. on PC, in vnc prog settings (in tightvnc "Show user settings" ), set primary password

4. on PC run vnc server(in tightvnc "Launch TightVNC Server")

5. retrieve your wifi connections IP address

(in XP click start > run > and type "ipconfig" )

6. run 'vnc viewer' on N900 and enter IP address [enter] then password

7. you should now see and have control of your PC through your N900!

Updating / Flashing / Formatting Firmware

Using OneDotZero with N900 and PC over Wifi

1. make sure you have an N900

2. make sure you have a PC (windows XP or linux - vista and W7 will not work)

3. make sure you have a Wifi connection

4. for output, it is preferable to have a big monitor, TV or a projector

5. on the N900, install "onedotzero" app from extras-devel repository

6. download onedotzero PC app:

7. extract zip file to any folder (and configure - optional)

8. run 'onedotzero' app on N900

9. run 'run.bat' on PC

10. on N900 touch screen, type some words, press send..

11. and they should appear on the screen...

- ensure PC app is NOT blocked by firewall

- screen size can be increased to fill monitor also, edit ""

- more info here:

For Shortcuts Wiki: tapping and holding the Back arrow button (in the upper right corner of the screen) switches to the main view of that application

See Also

Shortcuts & Gestures


