OpenSuse Build Service/Fremantle Setup



This currently refers to some inaccessible repos. I'll open them up as I get time.


  • Use Maemo:Fremantle:1.2 as build target for Maemo Extras


  • Copy all Nokia Fremantle Binaries to Maemo:Fremantle:1.2:Std
  • Create Maemo:Fremantle:1.2:Loaded to hold additional binaries needed by OBS
  • Bootstrap needed packages using scratchbox. Put in Maemo:Fremantle:1.2:Loaded
  • Create Maemo:Fremantle:1.2 as the nominal target for :Extras and the main prjconf
  • Do we need to rebuild Maemo:Fremantle:1.2:Bootstrap/<pkg> to re-create packages

(see too)

Gitorious Project

The config and modified source needed to make the OBS work with Fremantle is kept:

Setup the projects


# Specify the OBS we're working on

# Get the Fremantle binaries
mkdir -p /Downloads/fremantle1.2/
cd /Downloads/fremantle1.2/
wget -e robots=off --accept \*.deb --mirror --no-parent --progress=dot \
 --no-host-directories --cut-dirs=2 -nv \

# Prepare for the :full dir for the OBS
mkdir -p $OBS

cd $OBS
mkdir -p armel_full i586_full
find $REPO -name *armel.deb | xargs -I@ ln @ armel_full
find $REPO -name *i386.deb | xargs -I@ ln @ i586_full
find $REPO -name *all.deb | xargs -I@ ln @ armel_full
find $REPO -name *all.deb | xargs -I@ ln @ i586_full#

cd $OBS
mkdir -p armel_full i586_full
find $REPO -name *armel.deb | xargs -I@ ln @ armel_full
find $REPO -name *i386.deb | xargs -I@ ln @ i586_full
find $REPO -name *all.deb | xargs -I@ ln @ armel_full
find $REPO -name *all.deb | xargs -I@ ln @ i586_full

# On an OBS client
osc -A $API meta prj Maemo:Fremantle:1.2:Std -F - <<XML
<project name="Maemo:Fremantle:1.2:Std">
  <title>Fremantle 1.2</title>
The standard binaries from Nokia
  <person role="maintainer" userid="Admin"/>
  <person role="bugowner" userid="Admin"/>
  <repository name="standard">

# Back on OBS server
# Copy the binaries into the new project
cd /srv/obs/build/Maemo:Fremantle\:1.2\:Std/standard/
mkdir -p i586 armv7el
ln -s $OBS/i586_full i586/:full
ln -s $OBS/armel_full armv7el/:full

/usr/lib/obs/server/bs_admin --rescan-repository Maemo:Fremantle:1.2:Std standard i586
/usr/lib/obs/server/bs_admin --rescan-repository Maemo:Fremantle:1.2:Std standard armv7el

chown -R obsrun:obsrun /srv/obs/build/Maemo:Fremantle:1.2:Std


# On an OBS client
osc -A $API meta prj Maemo:Fremantle:1.2:Bootstrap -F - <<XML
<project name="Maemo:Fremantle:1.2:Bootstrap">
  <title>Fremantle 1.2</title>
The standard binaries from Nokia
  <person role="maintainer" userid="Admin"/>
  <person role="bugowner" userid="Admin"/>
  <repository name="Debian_5.0_standard">
    <path project="" repository="standard"/>
  <repository name="Ubuntu_9.04_standard">
    <path project="" repository="standard"/>

This project has <useforbuild> disabled. This means that a package built in this project will not attempt to resolve dependencies from peer packages.

Now ensure the Ubuntu/Debian bootstrapped armv5el binaries are copied to the armv7el repo
 echo ExportFilter: armel\.deb$ armv5el | osc -A $API meta prjconf Maemo:Fremantle:1.2:Bootstrap -F -


This project has the extra binaries needed for making the Fremantle SDK build in the OBS.

 osc -A $API meta prj Maemo:Fremantle:1.2:Loaded -F - <<XML
<project name="Maemo:Fremantle:1.2:Loaded">
  <title>Fremantle 1.2 Loaded</title>
This project contains all the binaries used in addition to the
standard Nokia ones. They are built in Maemo:Fremantle:1.2:Bootstrap and
then copied into here.
  <person role="maintainer" userid="Admin"/>
  <person role="bugowner" userid="Admin"/>
  <repository name="standard">


This project is used as a target by applications. It is a multi-path project looking first in :Loaded and then in :Std

osc -A $API meta prj Maemo:Fremantle:1.2 -F - <<XML
<project name="Maemo:Fremantle:1.2">
  <title>Fremantle 1.2</title>
This project is the OBS Fremantle target.  It is based on the standard
Nokia binaries with some additional binaries needed for Fremantle.
  <person role="maintainer" userid="Admin"/>
  <person role="bugowner" userid="Admin"/>
  <repository name="standard">
    <path project="Maemo:Fremantle:1.2:Loaded" repository="standard"/>
    <path project="Maemo:Fremantle:1.2:Std" repository="standard"/>

Since this project is a target it needs a prjconf:

Essential Binaries for :Loaded


cd /maemo/devel/obs-community/
git clone git://
cd scratchbox-fake
dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -us -rfakeroot
cd ..


This provides 'su' and 'getopt' through busybox-fremantle

Stskeeps reports that there's a login pkg inside Nokia that would be better. It may also be worth repackaging the linux-utils.

cd /maemo/devel/obs-community/
git clone git://
cd busybox
dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -us -rfakeroot
cd ..


Fakeroot has had to be updated to 1.11 from Debian and various changes made. See the git log.

cd /maemo/devel/obs-community/
git clone git://
cd fakeroot
dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -us -rfakeroot
cd ..

Other packages:

Promoting the Bootstrap to Loaded

cd /maemo/devel/obs-community/
tar cvfz obs-bootstrap.tgz fakeroot_*.deb busybox-fremantle_*.deb scratchbox-fake_*.deb

Now get this to the server and unpack it in /tmp

cd /tmp
tar xf /backend_storage/obs-bootstrap.tgz

cd /srv/obs/build/Maemo:Fremantle:1.2:Loaded/standard
mkdir -p i586/:full armv7el/:full
ln /tmp/*armel*deb armv7el/:full/
ln /tmp/*all*deb armv7el/:full/
ln /tmp/*all*deb i586/:full/
ln /tmp/*i386*deb i586/:full/

/usr/lib/obs/server/bs_admin --rescan-repository Maemo:Fremantle:1.2:Loaded standard i586
/usr/lib/obs/server/bs_admin --rescan-repository Maemo:Fremantle:1.2:Loaded standard armv7el

== Extras ==

wget -e robots=off --mirror --no-parent --progress=dot  --no-host-directories --cut-dirs=5 -nv


find /mnt/backend_storage/extras/ -name *dsc -exec /root/ --project Extras:Testing \{} \;

(This needs work - it uploads multiple versions and they go to 'excluded' state)