
Improving the current web structure

What is wrong in the current website structure?

  • Navigation is a little hard to...navigate.
    • Certain user-centered items should be prevalent and easy to use (e.g., Downloads, News, Documentation).
    • A lot of the subnav stuff (Roadmap, Lists, Bugzilla, SDK, IRC, etc.) could be removed from the main page and placed in a Developer-centric page.
  • As discussed here, should the main page be more of an aggregated community-driven content portal?

Proposals to turn bad in good and create a good structure.

  • List here proposals.

Improving the current web content

What is wrong in the current content?

  • List here bad things.

Proposals to turn bad in good and create good content.

  • List here proposals.

Improving the current layout

Discussed at Talk:Task:Maemo.org_facelift.