
Period: 1 February 2009 - 15 February 2009 Release


Completed Good progress Just standing Some help needed! Urgent for next release
Committed & Target Task Owner  % Highlights
Include hildon-theme-layout-4-synth (alter to use proper fallback icon theme) and tritanium, meta, okuda, kobayashi from extras-devel none 10% hildon-theme-layout-4-synth now in repository (Stskeeps). Themes seem to depend on maemo4-theme-fixes??
Look into porting Powerlaunch or doing an alternative in Python VDVsx 5% Starting
package a tslib calibration tool for X or framebuffer? none 0%
2009-02-08 package evkey (for nit-kernel-compat purposes) qwerty12 100% In repository.
home applets behave oddly when in non-800x480 none 0%
Port gdm-autologin from deblet and use /etc/default/autologin none 0%
set kernel.core-pattern to something sane consistent across platforms none 0%
look at timeless' enus stuff none 0%
maemo-select-menu-location seems to stall none 0%
770 wifi module patches to support WPA, IW wireless extensions none 0%
Use lp:~mer-committers/m-r/hildon-input-method & lp:~mer-committers/m-r/hildon-input-method-framework and see if you can get them to work (Fremantle versions) none 0%
Implement hald-addon-bme open source based on dummy BME and Mer/Documentation/BME_Protocol , see this for example none 0%
Implement a libconic ICD dbus messages handler relaying to NetworkManager none 0%
QEMU/N8x0 image of Mer none 0%
Start localization project for Mer, using launchpad (we have .pos, but we need people and translations) none 0%
get a like thing none 0%
Fix C++ in SDK (see straightjacket packages) none 0%
Rotation shouldn't crash X? none 0%
Fix rootstrap for SB to be more recent (libkrb depends on libc6 >= 2.9 at the moment) none 0%
Try to get various Python-based applets working for Mer none 0%
Figure out how to make the theme switcher work. (It's a control panel applet), see none 0%
Add control panel applet for theme switching none 0%
Fix lack of "enter" ctrl-m "problem" on x86 none 0%
docpurge should interact better with dpkg and upgrades none 0%
Replacing SDK icons with more modern ones none 0%
Modern kernels, get newer kernels working with the 770, N8x0, and use stlc45xx on N8x0s none 0%
Make kernel-diablo-modules-gserial and implement support with help of rescue menu none 0%
Find better solution for APT not working on jffs2: none 0%
Update debhelper in Mer Scratchbox SDK devkit none 0%
hildon-plugins-settings-cpa: creates duplicate application menu. none 0%
Figure out why python-osso fails to build in SDK none 0%
Patch libvte with further maemo changes (blinking interval, Enter, etc) none 0%
Make 770 image not have kernel-diablo-modules and such none 30% found a kernel-diablo-modules in foundations/mer, might have done something..
Add FDI for Nokia keyboards (see this and this Darken 60% Check this [1] - Added keycode problem fix in xserver-xorg-input-evdev, now in repository, not working yet.
Make hildon-desktop-env use a configuration file to determine wether it needs to show cursor or not (useful for x86) johnx 95% Could use some testing on x86s with touchscreens
December Proposal for distribution of firmware images including closed-source bits needed for community editions Stskeeps 50% First proposal involving initfs bits proposed through maemo-community. Positive Nokia response wish list for 3rd party components
2009-01-17 Move project from launchpad to garage Stskeeps 40% Project retrieved (, Mer on Blockers: Multiple git repositories per project Personal git repositories.
2009-01-30 Open system sounds (startup chime, touchscreen tap, etc) opengeekv2, zenvoid 100% System Sounds by zenvoid completed: liberty-sounds-ui, list of wav files
2009-02-03 Make transitional package for libhildon-1-0 to libhildon1 Stskeeps 100% In repository.
2009-02-03 Make transitional package for gconf2-common (bug 4016 connected) Stskeeps 100% Fixed, but now libvte9 problems when installing gnome-core.
2009-02-03 Fix bug 4016 (helps getting GNOME components on Mer) Stskeeps 100% Fixed, but gconf2-common transitional package is needed.
2009-02-03 Add python-gobject to dsme-tools dependancy Stskeeps 100% In repository, tested on n810.
0.7 Working X-terminal with hildon input method working Stskeeps 100% Some vte patches still needed, but working: screenshot
2009-01-26 Port and build (statusbar applet config qwerty12 100% In repository as hildon-plugins-settings-cpa.
2009-01-16 nit-kernel-compat (support kernel booting rootfs directly), base on nitboot qwerty12 100% In repository. Current problems: evkey doesn't exist on non-bootmenu tablets (put as TODO, as the rest works), so rescue menu does not work. BZR branch: ~mer-committers/m-r/nit-kernel-compat. Problems with APT still exist.


Bug reports in bugzilla discovered through or related to Mer development in this sprint or outstanding still:

IDSeverityProductStatusResolutionSummary (5 tasks) Assignee
4016blockerMerRESOLVEDFIXEDgnome has broken dependences because of libgnomevfs2-extraCarsten Munk
3858+normalSystem softwareRESOLVEDFIXEDmaemo-launcher build-depends on libhildondesktop-dev, which in turn build-depends on maemo-launcher-devGuillem Jover
4023+criticalDesktop platformRESOLVEDWONTFIXSapwood doesn't align PixbufOpenRequest properly (crash on 770)Sven Herzberg
3939+normalDesktop platformRESOLVEDWONTFIXsapwood loops infinitely at malformed requestunassigned
4043+enhancementSettings and MaintenanceRESOLVEDFIXEDApplication Manager should not depend on "user" accountunassigned