Task:Single sign-on/Account info stored in ldap

This page describes which data is needed for a local account in one of the services maemo.org hosts. This data is to be used to specify data fields in LDAP for central storage.



Service Framework
maemo.org Midgard
garage.maemo.org G-Forge
bugs.maemo.org Bugzilla
talk.maemo.org vBulletin
wiki.maemo.org Mediawiki


Field Datatype
id int(11)
username char(255)
firstname char(255)
lastname char(255)
birthdate datetime
street char(255)
postcode char(255)
city char(255)
email char(255)
fax char(255)
country char(255)


Field Datatype
user_id int
user_name text
email text
realname char(32)
jabber_address text
address text
phone text
fax text
title text
firstname text
lastname text
address2 text
ccode char(2)


Field Datatype
userid int(10)
username varchar(100)
password varchar(32)
joindate int(10)
email varchar(100)
homepage varchar(100)
icq varchar(20)
aim varchar(20)
yahoo varchar(32)
birthday varchar(10)
msn varchar(100)
jabber varchar(250)
skype varchar(32)