Troubleshooting and Optimization
First, try reading article Troubleshooting through. It has several procedures that can help.
How can I get root access?
How can I improve battery life?
My tablet is slow and unresponsive. What can I do?
I have run out of disk space. How can I add more?
My system is unstable and applications crash a lot. What's wrong?
I have trouble connecting to the internet over wifi
I installed something and now my n900 isn’t working right.
I installed something and now my n900 isn’t working at all.
There’s a light flashing on my n900
Look at Maemo5 101 for further info about what different colour and blinking means
How often do I need to update? And why?
N900 is 'updatable software', so it will go on getting better. Your device will check for updates once a day, and tell you when it needs to update by putting a little yellow icon on the screen. Then it will walk you through the update process. You can wait to update when you are somewhere where it's beter to download - for example your using your home netwrk rather than your data plan.