Desktop Command Execution Widget scripts
Desktop Command Execution widget is one of the most useful widgets on your Maemo desktop. It can be used to show certain information (for example battery level in percentage) or as a button which can be used for example to disconnect active internet connection (you need to tap 3 times and also wait for menus to appear without this widget). Therefore it can replace many other applications/widgets/applets and you can also make something new. Here you'll find a collection of scripts that can be added to the widget. The discussion about the widget is on the forum.
Contents |
Making your own scripts
When there's no output (for example if you're using widget as a button and you use dbus call), the widget displays "Invalid Command". This can be most easily avoided if you pipe echo "" at the end of the command. Example:
dbus-send -options -moreoptions | echo ""
This also works:
dbus-send -options -moreoptions; echo ""
...but the piping is preferred for buttons as it doesn't display ANY output (some dbus calls work only with reply). All of the dbus commands should be working in the same way. Collection of these can be found on Phone control wiki page. The basic principle is the same as above (dbus command and piping an echo).
To display information
uptime|cut -d" " -f4-|sed 's/\\, *load.*//'
Battery (several scripts)
All battery scripts are collected here. Pick the one which suits your needs. Examples of the output values are under each one.
hal-device bme | awk '/l.p/ {perc = $3}; /g.c/ {curr = $3}; / {last = $3}; /s_c/ {isch = $3} END if (isch == "false") {print perc" % ("curr"/"last" mAh)"} else {print "Charging"}'
Output example: 83 % (1000/1200 mAh), when charging Charging. 1000 is current mAh, 1200 is last full mAh.
hal-device bme | awk '/l.p/ {perc = $3}; /g.c/ {curr = $3}; /s_c/ {isch = $3} END if (isch == "false") {print perc" % ("curr" mAh)"} else {print "Charging"}'
Output example: 83 % (1000 mAh), when charging Charging. 1000 is current mAh.
hal-device bme | awk -F"[. ]" '$5 == "is_charging" {chrg = $7}; $5 == "percentage" {perc = $7} END if (chrg == "false") {print perc " %"} else {print "Chrg"}'
Output example: 83 %, when charging Chrg
hal-device bme | grep battery.reporting | awk -F. '{print $3}' | sort | awk '$1 == "current" { current = $3}; $1== "last_full" {print current "/" $3 " mAh"}'
Output example: 1000/1200 mAh. 1000 is current mAh, 1200 is last full mAh.
hal-device bme | grep l.p | awk '{print $3" %"}'
Output example: 83 %
hal-device bme | grep g.c | awk '{print $3" mAh"}'
Output example: 1000 mAh (it displays current mAh).
hal-device bme | grep | awk '{print $3" mAh"}'
Output example: 1200 mAh (it displays last full mAh).
Boot reason
cat /proc/bootreason
Boot count
cat /var/lib/dsme/boot_count
External (WAN) IP
WAN IP only:
wget -q -O - | awk -F"\"" '{print $4}'
WAN IP, ISP and country code:
wget -q -O - | awk -F"\"" '{print $4 " ("$12" "toupper($28)")"}'
Internal (LAN) IP
/sbin/ifconfig | grep "inet addr" | awk -F: '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'
This one displays only wlan0 (LAN) IP (this is the one used for SSH, WinSCP, VNC...)
/sbin/ifconfig | grep wl -A 2 | grep ine | awk -F: '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'
Rootfs (percentage)
df | awk '$1 == "rootfs" {print $5}'
Rootfs (free)
df -h | awk ' $1 == "rootfs" {print $4"B"}'
Make sure that update policy for button widgets is set only to "update when clicked". "Update when switched to desktop", "update interval" and "network presence" should be disabled to avoid automatic actions. Also keep in mind that widgets are executed at every boot so they can for example automatically disable Wi-Fi when phone boots.
Connect internet (show connections)
dbus-send --system --type=method_call /com/nokia/icd_ui boolean:false | echo ""
Disconnect internet
dbus-send --system /com/nokia/icd_ui boolean:true | echo ""
Enable/disable Wi-Fi
rootsh /path/to/script/ | echo ""
#!/bin/sh out=`ifconfig wlan0` if [ $? -eq "0" ] ; then if [ `echo "$out" | grep -c RUNNING` -gt "0" ] ; then dbus-send --system /com/nokia/icd_ui boolean:true fi ifconfig wlan0 down rmmod wl12xx dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=org.freedesktop.Notifications /org/freedesktop/Notifications org.freedesktop.Notifications.SystemNoteInfoprint string:'Wi-Fi disabled' exit 2 else modprobe wl12xx wl1251-cal stop wlancond start wlancond ifconfig wlan0 up dbus-send --system --type=method_call /com/nokia/icd_ui boolean:false exit 0 fi
Don't forget to make it executable.
Increase FM transmitter power
rootsh echo 118 > /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-2/2-0063/power_level | echo ""
Lock screen and keys
dbus-send --system --type=method_call /com/nokia/mce/request string:locked | echo ""
rootsh reboot | echo ""
Switch radio mode to 2G
dbus-send --system --type=method_call /com/nokia/phone/net Phone.Net.set_selected_radio_access_technology byte:1 | echo ""
Switch radio mode to 3G
dbus-send --system --type=method_call /com/nokia/phone/net Phone.Net.set_selected_radio_access_technology byte:2 | echo ""
Switch radio mode to Dual
dbus-send --system --type=method_call /com/nokia/phone/net Phone.Net.set_selected_radio_access_technology byte:0 | echo ""