PyMaemo/Scratchboxless packaging guide



The usual way of developing Maemo applications is using or Scratchbox or MADDE, which are quite heavy for Python development. An alternative is using stdeb, a set of extensions to distutils that allows generating debian packages, both binary and source, that can be installed on the device or sent to the extra-devel repository.

This tutorial will show how to integrate it into your project, building the packages and uploading it to extras-devel.

Preparing the package

As stdeb extends distutils, it is necessary that you have a working script. For our example application, which consists of a single script named "myscript" and support files like .desktop and an icon, the will look like this:

from distutils.core import setup

    author='Lauro Moura',
    data_files=[('share/applications/hildon', ['myscript.desktop']),
                ('share/pixmaps', ['myscript.png'])],

A file named stdeb.cgf in the same directory as is required, with stdeb maemo-specific options.

XS-Python-Version: 2.5 # Only version currently supported by pymaemo.
Package:myscript # Binary package name. stdeb adds the prefix "python-" by default
Section: user/other # Section should start with user/ to appear in the menu.

Building the packages

The basic command is

python --command-packages=stdeb.command bdist_deb

It'll create a folder called deb_dist with the source and binary packages. Alternatively, the "sdist_dsc" command will create only the source package.

After generating, you can copy the package to your device and install it.

Building a souce package

Uploading to extras

Future work

Support for non-debian systems.