Community Council/Council election Q1/2 2012

The Maemo Community Council will have its next election in April/May 2012, electing a new council for a 6 month term.

The election page will eventually be available here.


Election Details

Initially pencilled in for April 2012, the Election was postponed for a month and the nomination period extended for that period of time due to zero nominations.

Election timetable

All deadlines are set at 23:59 UTC.

  • March 17: Election announced, nomination period opened [1]
  • April 1: Nomination period extended [2] [3]
  • April 30: Nominations close
  • May 1: List of candidates announced
  • May 6: Voting opens
  • May 13: Voting closes
  • May 15: Results announced


The election processes are described in detail at Community Council/Election process.

Candidates need to have a karma of 100 or higher; voters need to have a karma of 10 or more. List of potential candidates Karma is earned through a variety of mechanisms, but to earn points for contributions on, you need to link account with profile.

Election material

Here you will find lists of potential candidates, statements from candidates, and other material related to the May 2012 elections.


The Maemo Community Council elected in May 2012 is as follows:

  • To be announced