Community Council/Council election September 2012/Candidate declarations


Candidates for September 2012 Maemo Community Council elections

The following candidates intend to stand for election to the Maemo Community Council.

Iván Gálvez Junquera / ivgalvez

Election results

Candidates for September 2012 foundation Board of Directors elections

  1. Craig Woodward / woody14619
  2. Iván Gálvez Junquera / ivgalvez
  3. Randall Arnold / Texrat
  4. Tim Samoff / timsamoff

Candidate declarations



I'm known as ivgalvez at TMO and I'm currently member of the Maemo Council. I joined this community in September 2011, just after receiving my N900, and I started to participate in it, with a passion and interest I haven't felt before in any other open source community I knew.

As current Council Member, I feel that I have the responsibility to help finishing the transition process to a self sustained NFP entity that we have started. I am one of the three signers in the articles of incorporation, with Woody14619 and SD69, and I think that I should help in the first steps of foundation as an independent entity.

I also joined the Council with high hopes for fixing the long-standing problems we have with the infrastructure, but we haven't succeeded yet. In fact, this was my main goal when I run for latest Council election, now I only hope that with a real entity (Board) sustaining the community, we could have better results in the upcoming months.

Considering the low number of candidates we have at this moment, I have finally decided to run for both groups, Board and Council, despite my public preference about having separate groups.

