Fremantle closed packages/libdevlock-bin
Closed source package libdevlock-bin
Description: functions for validating and changing the lock code -- binaries libdevlock provides an API that allows validating and changing the device lock code stored in CAL.
Default installed version
Installed: 1.0.9+0m5
Provides one file:
One package depending on this:
And seems it is really using this:
strings /usr/lib/ | grep devlocktool /bin/devlocktool
Command line tool, usage:
Usage: devlocktool [OPTION]... CODE Device lock code helper -C, --change-devlock-code=NEW_CODE change the code to NEW_CODE if CODE is correct --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit --set-autolock-param NEW PARAMETER update autolock parameter stored in CAL information and exit --set-timeout-param NEW PARAMETER update timeout parameter stored in CAL information and exit --get-autolock-param PIPE ID (or empty) get autolock parameter stored in CAL information and exit --get-timeout-param PIPE ID (or empty) get timeout parameter stored in CAL information and exit
If removed
*Hard to test, as removing this will remove libcodelockui1, and it will cause much of packages to be removed.