
firmwarefileos nokia n9 flash file firmware rom [1] link for firmware [2]

N9/x0: share how-to/workaround/mod/app/other

N9/x0: share how-to/workaround/mod/app/other

Replacing Chinese Firmware of Nokia N9

Index of /oscadaArch/Devices/Nokia/MeeGo1.2 [3] (contains chinese variant)


Replacing Chinese Firmware of Nokia N9 Download: flasher: WinFlasher_3.12.1.exe flasher_3.12.1_amd64.deb flasher_3.12.1_i386.deb

pr003 (chinese) firmware: DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.21-3_PR_LEGACY_003-OEM1-958_ARM.bin

pr005 (asian) firmware: DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.21-3_PR_LEGACY_005-OEM1-958_ARM.bin

emmc with maps: DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.13-7.SEAP_EMMC_SEAP.bin

emmc without maps: DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.13-7.NOMAPS_EMMC_NOMAPS.bin

after downloading files, install winflasher. then add its installed dir into os PATH Environment variable.

flashing: power off the phone. enter following command on pc(run as admin). flasher -f -F asian.bin plug the phone to pc and wait to detect it. (hold the power for 10 seconds if it not detect) at the end of the flash process, it will show cmt flash error. so we need to flash chinese cmt firmware.

flasher -f -F china.bin --flash-only=cmt it will flash cmt firmware

if you want to clean user data: flasher -f -F emmc.bin --flash-only=mmc it will flash emmc

flasher -R it will reboot phone

rooting: settings->application->installations->enable "allow installation fron non store sources" install n9repomirror v0.7xxx reboot settings->security->developer mode->turn on it will download required files automatically.

apps store: install warehouseinstaller within that app install warehouse

disable nokia account login: devel-su password is rootme mv /usr/lib/AccountSetup/bin/oviplugin /usr/lib/AccountSetup/bin/.oviplugin

edit /home/user/.config/Nokia/Drive.ini set on general settings: ssoDone=true

edit /home/user/.config/Nokia/Maps.conf set on general settings: isSsoEnabled=false

get ip: /sbin/ifconfig

login via ssh: devel-su password is rootme passwd user change the password for "user" and then you can login as "user" on ssh