Maemo Reconstructed

This wiki page has the purpose of bringing together developers both internally in Nokia and community developers, who have an interest in the Maemo platform. The goal is trying to reach a vision of how a future Maemo system architecture could be like, that's satisfying to both Nokia and community. This is meant as the actual low level -technical- system goals (use of upstart, busybox specifics, initfs or not) not high level items such as "ogg in media players" or "open source everything".

This discussion was sparked by:


The Maemo "Reconstructed" Platform

My idea of Maemo "Reconstructed" is to make Maemo a general OS for tablet devices, including Nokia devices, and to make it more developer-friendly and be more in alignment with standard Linux distributions to ease upstream and downstream adoption. It is also within the philosophy that the platform should be "hackable", a main selling point with OSS friendly hardware.

My belief is that we should stop seeing the tablets as strictly embedded low-cpu systems - they are at least as powerful as those 166mhz machines we had in the end of the 90s, - and were fully capable of running unix base systems without extreme slow downs. They should be seen as power-saving mobile devices, with the capability to be as powerful as a laptop if need be. -- stskeeps 17:15, 3 November 2008 (UTC)

Distribution and archives

stskeeps 20:21, 1 November 2008 (UTC)

I believe the methods/categories/distributions mentioned in could come to good use in Maemo "R". Maybe a part about Maemo vs Maemo + Nokia closed source components and seperation in archives?

There should exist scripts/documented ways how to create a Maemo "R" image than can be adapted to any setup or device.

Development of the Maemo "R" platform (non-device-specific and UI differentiation) should be done in the open, with public SCM, bugtrackers and blueprints. This way developers can adjust their applications to later 'stable' releases and know what is coming regarding the Maemo API.


Current N8x0 partition is at 2Mb. For the Maemo "R" platform specific kernels does not matter, but it may be relevant to discuss certain features that would be nice to have for the platform to work correctly.

Boot process

stskeeps 16:06, 31 October 2008 (UTC)

The basic boot process of a Maemo "R" platform consists of loading a kernel from a flash area, or from a file on a partition either on flash, MMC or USB, which then mounts a root partition of choice.

In the boot process of the Maemo "R" platform, there should be a way to use alternate boot configurations. This menu of alternate boot configurations should be possible to enter through a key press/combination while turning on the device. The primary use for this would be to get the device into a rescue menu contained on a different partition inside flash, which I believe is a useful thing for a tablet. It can help you in many cases when the main system has crashed for whatever reason, and help you fix the problem or rescue your data.

The behaviour of the boot process should be modelled on grub's menu.lst, as to allow different boot configurations. Possible ways to deal with this can be alike with a /etc/bootmenu.d like setting which updates the boot configuration with refresh_bootmenu.d (inspiration from grub menu.lst,

Cloning to SD is a popular activity amongst community users, to gain more application space. A bootmenu item system should be brought to Maemo to avoid a lot of hacks laying about for the same thing, which makes it difficult for SSU to deal with. Bootmenu should be unintrusive and invisible to the "normal" user, except when activated with the boot menu key combination (but may be activated to show the menu always at boot in control panel)

There should exist a rescue partition in standard Maemo "R" image, possibly alike (or in text form). That can both activate certain services from the rescue partition or set boot settings of the when booting such as framebuffer console or other settings for the system (think F8-while-boot in windows.)

Many community users often run into the dreaded reboot loops. This can be solved by having various things in the rescue partition to solve the general problems. One can be usbnet/g_serial (for emergency shell - or PC accesory programs for dumping the files from NAND /home/user/ through usbnet telnet) , acting like a file storage (expose LUN of MMC cards), dump NAND contents to files on MMC, - the possibilities are endless. These abilities should be modelled with a "plugin" structure, to encourage innovation in this area.

Busybox+uclibc should be used to ensure minimal size rescue partition. Toolkit for the right combination should be as easy to get as Maemo SDK. Busybox shouldn't be stuck at 1.0 like it is in initfs right now.

Maemo Base System

stskeeps 09:50, 1 November 2008 (UTC)

I believe there is a need for change - bringing Maemo more in alignment with "major" distributions. The Maemo Base System is a good place to start this change. Maemo is it's own, it is targeted towards embedded systems, but on the other hand Maemo runs on systems that are as powerful as the computers these distributions were initially developed on, and many of the typical embedded tricks may simply not be needed and it could help seeing Maemo as system targeting power-saving mobile devices where it's fine to be able to run a traditional "desktop" *nix base - which would make porting much easier.

I agree with mvo's statement (see jaiku discussion), quote "As to what should happen: Nokia should embrace the Debian heritage of Maemo fully and put processes and practices into place that make Maemo a Debian derivative like Ubuntu, only better." I have for this proposal tried to see Maemo as a deriative of Ubuntu. The reasons I've chosen this direction is:

  • The existence of the research project of, sponsored by Nokia
  • Debian, for now, targets armv4t, and mojo has already done the hard work to target typical Maemo device processors.
  • Taking Ubuntu over Debian (for now), gives us upstart along (part of Task:Maemo_roadmap/Fremantle ), which has not been adapted properly (except in Debian experimental) in Debian just yet.

Maemo base system includes:

  • 'minbase' Mojo handhelds Ubuntu 'Hasty' (based on Hardy, or later)
    • Motivation: This is a proof of concept. How functional and how well performing is a standard minimal ubuntu base image on a N800? Our restrictions is about 250mb flash availiable to us, with ideally space to spare.
    • Details:
      • # cp /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/hardy /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/hasty
      • # debootstrap --arch=arm --variant=minbase hasty /target
      • # chroot /target mount -t proc proc /proc
      • # chroot /target mount -t devpts devpts /dev/pts
      • # apt-get install apt-utils udev
      • # cd /dev; /sbin/MAKEDEV fb0 fb1 and such.
      • # apt-get autoclean; apt-get clean
      • add in a couple of boot scripts from and framebuffer console kernel drivers from Deblet, and docpurge-1.6 from Maemo.
      • Now you have a bootable minimal ubuntu image (tested on N800 with bootmenu with linuxrc ability), with full coreutils and bsdutils, etc.
    • Performance: From selecting in boot menu to boot, 12 seconds to get to framebuffer console login, with ext3 mount, udev and all.
    • Size: uncompressed 89.5mb but, mkfs.jffs2 -r /target -o maemo-r.jffs2 -e 128 -l -n , 37.0mb in JFFS2.
    • Contents: + docpurge
    • Other examples, (69m jffs2, may have forgotten docpurge in this one.)
    • Advantages: We now have a full ubuntu base system on our tablet. We've got Upstart for for free without any development. We have a base we can easily work with upstream on, as we base on typical packages. The mojo project also gets to have instant value to the Nokia/Maemo development and Nokia gets a return from the research investment in it.
    • Discussion: Is busybox really needed on a tablet? In initfs, sure, but in the actual system? Having sane coreutils and bsdutils (and debconf) -really- helps porting. Now that dash exists, is there a reason for busybox as sh? This avoids any conflicts with coreutils, bsdutils etc if they are going to be used.
      • A simple (which may be unfair and inaccurate) experiment with dpkg-deb -x of procps, coreutils, util-linux, bsdutils into a path, and then mkjffs'ing it after stripping man pages, locales and info pages, 2.2mb flash, and with busybox getting same treatment, 300k flash.
      • Is 1.9mb flash so much to sacrifice for making porting for Maemo a matter of hildonization and platform-centric things, instead of hunting debconf, busybox incompatibilities and such for weird libraries you never heard of?
      • Are there any direct and noticable differences in performance that justifies the use of busybox, and do they justify the lessened ability of being able to port to Maemo without hassle?
    • Problems: For some reason the mojo people decided to divert from Debian arch notation and call their ARM EL distribution arch type 'arm', not 'armel', which is in wide use with Maemo.
  • Open Hardware Manager / OHM
    • Motivation: Part of Task:Maemo_roadmap/Fremantle. , - they're obvious. OHM may apply device-specific plugins but these are not included in the Maemo "R" base. Developers should strive towards not using sysvinit init scripts, but go for upstart job descriptions instead, which can be controlled by OHM (disable RSS feed reader download attempts while obviously offline, for instance).
  • GUPnP
  • Meta Tracker (trackerd)
  • D-Bus
    • Motivation: Part of the Maemo platform as of now, - is ideal for embedded systems as it works with signals and events.
  • HAL
    • Motivation: Part of the Maemo platform as of now, needed for OHM. HAL should be targeted to embedded systems but should not contain device specific things. These should be published as HAL addons (and may be closed source, example could be hald-addon-bme as it done right, and hald-addon-omap-gpio not), as to keep as close to HAL upstream as possible.
  • Generic API for connectivity (libconic comes to mind), using D-Bus. It should not have to include a ICD as some vendors may vary on that (Nokia), but libconic should be generic and usable in both Nokia ICD and NetworkManager based setups. Ideally a NM-based ICD or a stub ICD should be provided along with platform, but should be replaceable. Under this things like iptables, udhcpc, dnsmasq would be.
    • Motivation: Many Maemo applications depend on libconic and this could be a showstopper for portability.
  • Udev
    • Motivation: Part of Maemo platform already, and useful for desktop and embedded systems.
  • Ke-recv & Alarmd
    • Motivation: Some daemons representing these (Kernel event handling + scripts, maybe OHM?), and a API for setting device wakeups. Maybe even a cron-like interface?
  • GConf
    • Motivation: Central repository for system-wide configuration.

Other things like supporting libraries such as openssl and such are not directly mentioned but obviously needed as dependancies.

User Experience Base

stskeeps 20:53, 1 November 2008 (UTC)

  • Xorg: Part of Fremantle roadmap, I believe.
    • Motivation: Device-specific Xorg drivers (omap for N8x0's, other devices has other drivers, etc..). It should not be a requirement which Xorg driver is in use, but the capabilities of this.
  • GStreamer
    • Motivation: Part of Maemo platform as of now, ideal for codecs, include vendor-specific propertiary ones.
  • PulseAudio

(not done yet)

Interesting fact: Ubuntu minbase as mentioned earlier, plus apt-get --no-install-recommends hildon-desktop (that is Ubuntu Mobile), though without an X server which should be trivial to install. 271.5m uncompressed, 110.4M JFFS. dpkg -l at - Obviously some things should be stripped down, as UM focuses on a flash-like interface, as far as I recall, in this distro version.

SDK (developer kit for the platform)

stskeeps 17:31, 31 October 2008 (UTC)

The SDK is a basic part of developing for Maemo. But there are occasional horrorstories. Based on some of the stories I've heard and other trends in the mobile device world, I've tried to come up with a vision of a proper SDK for Maemo "R".

Maemo "R" SDK in my mind, should consist of four parts:

  • Scratchbox (cross-compilation environment) - build programs for another architecture/target than on the one compiling.
  • Maemo "R" rootstrap - Maemo base OS with libraries and dev packages to cross-compile any applications for Maemo "R", not to run them.
    • Motivation: Cross-compiliation certainly speeds up compilation and allows a proper developer environment for developing for Maemo "R". "Not to run them" is meant as, CPU transparency is okay, but the rootstrap should not try to be a fullly deployed Maemo "R" system. The rootstrap shouldn't try to act as an tablet - we have the emulators for that.
  • Qemu appliances with target device(s) emulated, with a device-specific Maemo "R" installed on it. This is where built applications should be run, not inside the SDK (no Xephyr, not full hildon desktop, etc. in Scratchbox). These should be configured with sbrsh for cpu transparency from initial setup.
  • Scripts to ease deployment of and debugging built applications inside Scratchbox+rootstrap to emulated and actual devices.
    • Motivation: It's much better when you can test on an emulated device instead of dealing with a rootstrap trying to act like it's a device.
    • Motivation: Easy development ability, and it's a question that's often seen when people start developing for Maemo (how do we transfer to the device? Try see Visual Studio's deployment ways)
    • Idea: work on easy deployment of developed packages (# sb-copy-to-tablet -i usb, -i emu, etc) or running in similar manner to sbrsh with NFS and the likes.

Contents of Maemo "R" rootstrap:

  • A Maemo "R" SDK may have Nokia/device specific dev packages but developers should be encouraged to develop for the defined Maemo "R" platform. Nokia/other hardware vendors specific dev packages should strive towards non-device-specific standardization of the interfacing if possible (a BME dev package may not be relevant on other devices).
    • Motivation: Maemo has great possibility to become a general platform for tablet like devices. The possibility of additional device platforms which also embrace the Maemo minimal base + build-essential + dev packages direction will cause Nokia devices to have additional applications as well.

Good development behaviour:

  • Packages for Maemo should not expect Scratchbox to be where they're compiled (I've seen examples of this amongst Nokia code.)
    • Motivation: Increases portability of Maemo platform. A package that builds in Scratchbox should also build on a tablet.

Distribution of SDK:

  • Maemo "R" SDK should be easy to install. It should be a matter of apt-get'ing a package or installing a VMware appliance for non-Linux users. It's alright for device-specific dev packages & emulator images to require a license to download, but the base Maemo "R" SDK should be easily installable and allow you to start developing for the base Maemo "R" platform immediately.
    • Motivation: You shouldn't have to go through hoops to get Scratchbox + Rootstrap + Generic Maemo device emulator image and such, - this attracts developers.
  • Embrace VMware Applicances/VirtualBox with SDK + Emu inside, for windows / other OS users to get developing for Maemo "R".
    • Motivation: Linux isn't the only platform people use for development.