
This article documents a developer tool.
A list of available devtools is available, together with installation instructions.


[edit] Description

sp-error-visualizer is a small utility that's designed to help you in noticing errors that are written to syslog.

[edit] Packages

source: sp-error-visualizer

binary: sp-error-visualizer

[edit] Usage Examples

Just install the sp-error-visualizer package and it will immediately start tracking syslogged messages. It's also started automatically on bootup. If syslog is not running, it provides itself the syslog socket for the applications.

The error visualizer can be disabled by running the following command or uninstalling the package.

# /etc/init.d/sp-error-visualizer stop 

The search strings for the errors that are shown from syslog are configured in: /usr/share/sp-error-visualizer/data/syslog-common-errors.conf.

[edit] Links

[sp-error-visualizer man page](/development/documentation/man_pages/sp-error-visualizer.html)

[edit] See Also
