Period: 16 February 2009 - 2 March 2009 Release
This sprint is finished, please see Sprint 0.10
| Good progress
| Just standing
| Some help needed!
| Urgent for next release
Committed & Target
| Task
| Owner
| %
| Highlights
| Patch apt package with | qwerty12 | 100% | In repository. Needs testing however on x86 and I am not patching the text strings. I also need to improve packaging.
| Make 770 image not have kernel-diablo-modules and such | Stskeeps | 100% | found a kernel-diablo-modules in foundations/mer, might have done something.. Removed in imager.
| Add FDI for Nokia keyboards (see this and this | Darken | 100% | Check this [1] - Added keycode problem fix in xserver-xorg-input-evdev, now in repository. Patched repository actually. Now in repository
2009-02-17 | Look into porting Powerlaunch or doing an alternative in Python | qwerty12 | 100% | Powerlaunch ported by qwerty12, in repository.
Bug reports in bugzilla discovered through or related to Mer development in this sprint or outstanding still:
ID | Severity | Product | Status | Resolution | Summary (10 tasks) ⇒ | Assignee |
4101 | enhancement | Mer | RESOLVED | WONTFIX | zenity list should allow clicking in any column for radio and check lists | Carsten Munk |
4102 | normal | Mer | RESOLVED | WONTFIX | (dpkg?) error message shouldn't say "reached already" | Carsten Munk |
4111 | normal | Mer | RESOLVED | WONTFIX | install catalog details dialog is fatally modal | Carsten Munk |
3858+ | normal | System software | RESOLVED | FIXED | maemo-launcher build-depends on libhildondesktop-dev, which in turn build-depends on maemo-launcher-dev | Guillem Jover |
4148 | normal | Mer | RESOLVED | WONTFIX | alarmd should use '.' instead of 'source' in '/bin/sh' scripts | Carsten Munk |
4023+ | critical | Desktop platform | RESOLVED | WONTFIX | Sapwood doesn't align PixbufOpenRequest properly (crash on 770) | Sven Herzberg |
4093 | normal | Mer | RESOLVED | WONTFIX | update-desktop-database error message is bad | Carsten Munk |
3939+ | normal | Desktop platform | RESOLVED | WONTFIX | sapwood loops infinitely at malformed request | unassigned |
4043+ | enhancement | Settings and Maintenance | RESOLVED | FIXED | Application Manager should not depend on "user" account | unassigned |
4062 | major | Mer | RESOLVED | FIXED | Installer crashes when writing a bootmenu item in advanced-mode for external card. | Carsten Munk |