Talk:Maemo SDK+ installation on Debian (AMD64)

section Building the chrooted platform

the schroot.conf template is confusing:


groups=<YOUR_USER_GROUPNAME_HERE!! (probably "users")>

which user/group is meant?

additionally, after logging in i see

W: line 83 [lenny]: Deprecated key ‘run-setup-scripts’ used
I: This option will be removed in the future; please update your configuration
W: line 84 [lenny]: Deprecated key ‘run-exec-scripts’ used
I: This option will be removed in the future; please update your configuration
W: line 78 [lenny]: Deprecated key ‘location’ used
I: This option will be removed in the future; please update your configuration

section Installing Maemo SDK+

is confusing and does not work as described. confusing b/c the 1st step is to do either schroot or chroot -- but step 4 says again As user on the host: $ schroot -c lenny since i never left the chroot, what is that supposed to mean?

next: it says You are now logged in as root in the chrooted environment as a user.

but, of course, i am not and never will be with all s/chroot lines given, at least -u username is necessary with schroot. consequently,

maemo-sdk install rootstrap diablo4.1.2_armel

will not work (and should list all avaliable rootstraps, i for one are looking for maemo 5, freemantle, not diablo).

leaving the chroot and reentering with schroot -c lenny -u username and trying

maemo-sdk install rootstrap fremantle5.0minimal_armel

won't work either, b/c sudo is used -- but with a common debian installation the user is not in the sudoers file. that is clearly meant to be used with ubuntu. as a workaround, do su username when root.

furthermore, i get

Toolchain 'arm-2007q3' is not installed. Please, run 'maemo-sdk install toolchain arm-2007q3' to install the compiler as root user.

which probably should be addressed in the tutorial.

sb2 -eR apt-get install maemo-sdk-runtime maemo-sdk-dev maemo-sdk-dbg results in E: Couldn't find package maemo-sdk-runtime

i did

sb2 -eR apt-get update sb2 -eR apt-get install maemo-sdk-runtime maemo-sdk-dev maemo-sdk-dbg

E: Couldn't find package maemo-sdk-dbg

which is slightly better. a search shows no maemo-sdk-dbg, but -debug

sb2 -eR apt-cache search maemo sdk
hildon-application-framework-debug - Hildon Application Framework debug meta-package.
hildon-application-framework-dev - Hildon Application Framework development meta-package.
maemo-sdk-debug - Meta package for Maemo debug
maemo-sdk-dev - Meta package for Maemo devel
maemo-sdk-runtime - Meta package for the Maemo runtime
maemo-sdk-sounds - Dummy package providing osso-sounds-ui
maemo-version - Provides maemo SDK version information under /etc
maemo-version-dev - Provides maemo SDK version information

but all stuff installs into my user home, which is unwanted and nowhere made clear (after all, root _has_ a home in the chroot, why does the user not?)

section "Running Maemopad"

the constant toggling between chroot and no-chroot is confusing and unnecessary. rather put all chroot related commands in one part and the host related into another one. exporting display and starting gui has nothing to do with installing the generated package, i guess.

after starting the gui

Notice that Maemopad appears in the x11 window.

it doesn't, the only difference is Xephyr getting thet generic X background (kind of rough gray). i am not clear about the function of

maemo-sdk start gui

but i guess, it won't simply start an application, wouldn't it? shouldn't maemopad be started manually? trying

maemo-sdk start app maemopad

results in

/bin/bash: line 1: command not found

looks, like it isn't purely cosmetically anmore.

througout the process, every now and then apt-get complained about missing signatures and requires confirmation to install. oh, and it would be _reall_ helpfull, if those commands intended to be run as root do not use $ as prompt, but the commonly used #.

and how does one uninstall all that stuff again?

all in all, doesn't really look like nokia wants people to do development for maemo ... shouldn't be too hard to create an easy to install and use environment instead of maemo-sdk here and sb2 there (and all of it only for 32bit, though it most likely would only require some manpower nokia could spare to make it work with 64bit, too).

Yes, it looks very out of date to me. I added a template reflecting this, but I am not a Debian (nor Ubuntu) user myself, so I cannot easily update the page. Feel free to make any changes that you think are appropriate, or file a bug at -- amigadave 12:42, 22 March 2010 (UTC)

[edit] updates to instructions

I've updated these instructions on the page, and verified that they work (on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx).--SwaJime 23:08, 5 August 2010 (UTC)