
Fremantle offers the possibility to play with accelerometers. There is a plan to offer a proper interface for accelerometers in Maemo, but if you want to try out before there are a couple of ways to do it.

See also the related thread in



Thomas Thurman (marnanel) has put together a simple demo of an application using accelerometers using the D-Bus interface. You can find sources and .deb up at


Another way is to use the sysfs file information.


When reading that file you get 3 values X, Y and Z. Values are in mG (milli G). 1000 = 1 G

  • On the table face up values are 0, 0, -1000 (face down would read 0, 0, 1000)
  • On the table on botton side (landscape): 0, -1000, 0
  • On the table on right side (portrait): -1000, 0, 0
  • In any other position any mix of those 3 values.

These are theoretical values. In real life your mileage will vary.

Using the data

The X and Y values can be used to calculate[1] the roll (that is, clockwise rotation) using the atan2 function:

 angle_in_radians = atan2(x, y)

Similar, Y and Z can be used to calculate the pitch.


Using the sysfs interface:

  def get_rotation():
    f = open("/sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-3/3-001d/coord", 'r' )
    coords = [int(w) for w in f.readline().split()]
    return coords


  1. Tom Pycke, Accelerometer to pitch and roll