Community Council/Council election Q4 2014/Candidate declarations


Candidates for Q4 2014 Maemo Community Council elections

The following candidates intend to stand for election to the Maemo Community Council.

Candidate list :

  • you !
  • chainsawbike
  • gerbick
  • Juiceme
  • HtheB
  • Peterleinchen
  • reinob
  • wikiwide


  • TMO name and link
  • TODO: post link to mailing list

Candidate Declaration



I am posting to accept my nomination for the council election Q4 2014

I don't really say much...

if I am elected I will quietly do my best to support this community

aaron mcewan


I’m William McBee, however most here know me by my Internet nickname of “gerbick”. That’s a nickname I’ve had online since 1995, so at times I’ll answer to that name first. I’ve been a: programmer/developer, designer, project manager, business owner, but most importantly a technology lover for over 20 years and a portfolio that includes Fortune 400 companies to startups and a lot in-between over the years. But most importantly, I’m a technology lover that truly believes in the meritocracy of open source projects which lead me to my Nokia 770 and ITT/TMO so many years ago.

If I’m elected, I will do my best to support this community that’s supported and educated me for the last 7+ years. Thanks.


Hi, I am juiceme and I am running for Maemo Community Council again.

Many of you might already know that I have been Maemo Council member two consecutive periods. Again, I thought hard about stepping forward for re-election, but I might still have something to give for the community, even as I'd like to see new people join up. I do have lots of other obligations currently so my time is pressed but being in the Council is such a fun that I decided to run for it again.

My spark into joining came when I purchased a N9 device, my first Linux-based mobile phone. Previously I had owned Symbian devices since early nineties but I never did any SWDEV on those as my interests were on big iron. N9 was the first small embedded device that had the same tools I was used to working with so naturally I was delighted on the possibilities it offered.

I am ever so sad that I have not had the honour of ever owning a N900 device, but I have ordered Neo900 on hopes that it will suit my needs :)

My current daily driver is the Jolla device (I got mine on the very Launching Gala last November, it's the device #240 ) Also I am looking forward to getting my TOHKBD2 for it, that cannot happen soon enough since a HW keyboard is truly what makes or breaks a device.

I have degrees in EE & ME, and some university courses in Math before dropping out due to having not enough time to do family/work/university simultaneously My current occupation is in SW development for Telecommunication Systems at Nokia. (This is the real Nokia I am talking about, nothing to do with Microsoft) Previously I have done RF design, HW design and Test System design. I have worked in this industry for about 2 decades.

My passion is Free Software, Libre software even, and I am known to be fairly vocal FS advocate on my workplace. I use exclusively Linux/Unix variants in my work and on my own time, and am known for pestering people to drop proprietary/legacy OS'es and switch to Linux.

My SW skills include c, python, test automation and tool creation. I like kernel work and prefer to use console over any GUI's. Usually my first take at anything is to write a bash script

   - Juice -


Hi all!

I'm Halit Bal, better known as HtheB, and I'm a member since 2009. I'm also a long time moderator of the TMO board. I really love this community, and am helping it in anyway I can. It is also the first time I get nominated, and I'm accepting this offer to help our community.

The N900, N950 and N9 are my favourite devices. These devices have let me go into the open world of Linux. Possibilities are endless. I'm also still waiting for the Neo900 to keep this community alive. A lot of Jolla sailors are still here with the Maemo community, even though TMO is not an official Jolla board. This community is like a family for me (and for many of us). This community should stay alive!

Game on! :)

Best Regards, Halit


  • TODO: Candidate declaration


Cheers all,

I'm Bernardo Reino, known as reinob in (and now also on IRC :)

After passive reading of TMO I joined the community in 2011 when I bought my first N900 (now I have three).

I realize that I'm not that much of a "community" person. Meaning I don't care much about (maemo) politics and other non-technical issues, including things like the wiki or repositories. I usually compile my own stuff and publish (if at all) a .tgz a la Slackware.

Anyway, I do have an interest in keeping Maemo and the N900 alive, including future developments such as the Neo900 and the fremantle porting. Note that Harmattan and Sailfish are not really high in my list of interests (above Android and iOS, but that doesn't say much).

In any case, I'd be glad to, if elected, assist in whatever it is I could do. I believe (or hope) that I'm on good terms with techstaff people (which lately is not as obvious as it should be concerning the council), so I could help there.

If there's anything you need to know, please let me know.

Cheers, Bernardo aka reinob


  • TODO: Candidate Declaration
