Documentation/Maemo 5 Developer Guide/Development Environment/Maemo SDK Virtual Images

Maemo SDK Virtual Images

This is place holder for Maemo SDK Virtual Images documentation

Current "under development" versions of the documentation can be found from Garage project Maemo SDK Virtual Images

Current Maemo SDK Virtual Image beta versions can be downloaded from this Maemo Development Environment Downloads page.

This image is geared toward GTK Development and is a vdmk image, which can be ran on VMWare product, QEMU or VirtualBox.

Virtual PC / VMWare Virtual Images

Current VPC SDK Images can be picked up at | VPC Development Image - The home page is located at: | VPC-SDK Home Page

This image is geared towards Qt Development and is a Virtual PC (vhd) image, VMWare products can also convert and use the image.

Either image can be used for either development (QT or GTK), but each image has pre-installed software targeting the specific target environment.