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* [http://www.reitwiessner.de/openmoko/wikipedia_dumps/wikipedia_nl_2009-10-16.zip Dutch Wikipedia], 2009-10-16 (0.8 GB)
* [http://www.reitwiessner.de/openmoko/wikipedia_dumps/wikipedia_nl_2009-10-16.zip Dutch Wikipedia], 2009-10-16 (0.8 GB)
* [http://www.reitwiessner.de/openmoko/wikipedia_dumps/wikipedia_en_2009-02-28.tar.gz English Wikipedia], 2009-02-28 (4.9 GB)
* [http://www.reitwiessner.de/openmoko/wikipedia_dumps/wikipedia_en_2009-02-28.tar.bz2 English Wikipedia], 2009-02-28 (4.9 GB)
* [http://www.reitwiessner.de/openmoko/wikipedia_dumps/wikipedia_eo_2009-11-17.zip Esperanto Wikipedia], 2009-11-17 (0.1 GB)
* [http://www.reitwiessner.de/openmoko/wikipedia_dumps/wikipedia_eo_2009-11-17.zip Esperanto Wikipedia], 2009-11-17 (0.1 GB)
* [http://www.reitwiessner.de/openmoko/wikipedia_dumps/wikipedia_fr_2009-10-11.zip French Wikipedia], 2009-10-11 (1.9 GB)
* [http://www.reitwiessner.de/openmoko/wikipedia_dumps/wikipedia_fr_2009-10-11.zip French Wikipedia], 2009-10-11 (1.9 GB)

Revision as of 19:43, 4 March 2010

Evopedia is an offline Wikipedia viewer. It allows to search for articles based on their title or the geographic location on a map. If there is a connection to the internet, even images are displayed.

Apart from the software you also need to download a specially prepared dump of the articles available here.



Dumping Wikipedia is a very time-consuming task. Please be patient or help creating the dumps.

Please report if you find errors in the dumps.

New dumps:

Converted dumps:

These dumps are from older versions of evopedia, some features may be missing.

Dump Installation

Extract one (or more) of the .zip-Files to your device and select it from within evopedia. The dump that is used can be changed using the (second) link at the top-left of the search screen.

Note that you cannot directly download dumps greater than 4 GB onto your device (FAT file size limitation). Please download it to a computer with a non-FAT filesystem and then unzip it directly onto your device (via USB for example).


Evopedia creates a configuration file at /home/user/.evopediarc when it is first started. Most of the options are self-explanatory.

By changing listen_address to you (or anybody else, so be careful) can also access evopedia from a different computer using the url http://<ip adress of your device>:8080/

maptile_repositories is a string that specifies which map types are available and where the tile images are stored. If it is empty, tiles are not stored at all and only OpenStreetmap is available. If this is not done automatically, you can set it to

maptile_repositories = [OpenStreetMap I|http://tile.openstreetmap.org/%d/%d/%d.png|/home/user/MyDocs/.maps/OpenStreetMap I/|0,OpenStreetMap II|http://tah.openstreetmap.org/Tiles/tile/%d/%d/%d.png|/home/user/MyDocs/.maps/OpenStreetMap II/|0,OpenCycleMap|http://c.andy.sandbox.cloudmade.com/tiles/cycle/%d/%d/%d.png|/home/user/MyDocs/.maps/OpenCycleMap/|0,Public Transport|http://tile.xn--pnvkarte-m4a.de/tilegen/%d/%d/%d.png|/home/user/MyDocs/.maps/Public Transport/|0]

(without line breaks) to use the files also used by maep.

Creating a Wikipedia Dump

Creating a Wikipedia dump is unfortunately a rather lengthy process (some days). If you have any suggestions for speeding it up, please step forward. Concerning space, 20 GB should be enough for creating the dump.

For the advanced users, note that the process can be distributed over many computers by calling dumpWiki with the slice number to process on each computer.

1. install needed software (please add packages if I forgot some):

apt-get install php5-cli php5-mysql python mysql-server mysql-client wget zip tidy git-core latex

2. download evopedia source code

git clone git://github.com/crei/evopedia.git

3. adjust settings

set php's memory_limit to some higher value (128 MB) in /etc/php5/cli/php.ini (or similar)

create empty mysql database

edit paths and database settings in dumpscripts/createdump.sh

change the dump language (bottom of dumpscripts/createdump.sh)

4. start the dump process

call createdump.sh