OpenSuse Build Service/Installation

(fix xen cfg)
(Creating Xen VMs)
Line 62: Line 62:
disk=['phy:/dev/VG_data/be_root,xvda2,w', 'phy:/dev/VG_data/be_swap,xvda1,w']
disk=['phy:/dev/VG_data/be_root,xvda2,w', 'phy:/dev/VG_data/be_swap,xvda1,w']
root='/dev/xvda2 ro'
root='/dev/xvda2 ro'
Line 75: Line 75:
extra='clocksource=jiffies console=hvc0 xencons=tty'
extra='clocksource=jiffies console=hvc0 xencons=tty'
* host
* fe
* be
* w1
<source lang='bash'>
echo default > /etc/sysconfig/network/routes
echo NETCONFIG_DNS_POLICY=\"\" >> /etc/sysconfig/network/config
echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf
/etc/init.d/network restart
zypper refresh

Revision as of 21:39, 30 April 2010


Maemo OBS Cluster Installation Notes


Maemo OBS Clusters are divided into 3 instances:

  • Frontend – Containing Webclient, OBS API, Mysql server
  • Backend/Repository Server – Where OBS-Server, dispatcher, scheduler and repository server are installed
  • Workers – Installation of obs-worker package

This Installation Notes covers OBS installation and setup for version 1.7. You can always refer to latest documentation also available on-line:

Creating Xen VMs

Based on

zypper ar Virtualization:Appliances
zypper refresh
zypper in kiwi kiwi-templates kiwi-desc-xenboot squashfs

Create some xen volumes

lvcreate -L 10G VG_data -n fe_root
mkfs -text3 /dev/VG_data/fe_root
lvcreate -L 2G  VG_data -n fe_swap
mkswap /dev/VG_data/fe_swap
lvcreate -L 10G VG_data -n be_root
mkfs -text3 /dev/VG_data/be_root
lvcreate -L 2G  VG_data -n be_swap
mkswap /dev/VG_data/be_swap
lvcreate -L 10G VG_data -n w1_root
mkfs -text3 /dev/VG_data/w1_root
lvcreate -L 2G  VG_data -n w1_swap
mkswap /dev/VG_data/w1_swap

Prpeare an opensuse minimal image:

mkdir /data/11.2min
kiwi --prepare suse-11.2-JeOS --root /data/11.2min/image-root --add-profile xenFlavour

Copy to each of the VM root disks

mount /dev/VG_data/fe_root /mnt/lvm
rsync -HAXa /data/11.2min/image-root/ /mnt/lvm/
umount /mnt/lvm
mount /dev/VG_data/be_root /mnt/lvm
rsync -HAXa /data/11.2min/image-root/ /mnt/lvm/
umount /mnt/lvm
mount /dev/VG_data/w1_root /mnt/lvm
rsync -HAXa /data/11.2min/image-root/ /mnt/lvm/
umount /mnt/lvm

Configure some Xen VM configs

disk=['phy:/dev/VG_data/be_root,xvda2,w', 'phy:/dev/VG_data/be_swap,xvda1,w']
root='/dev/xvda2 ro'
extra='clocksource=jiffies console=hvc0 xencons=tty'
  • host
  • fe
  • be
  • w1
echo default > /etc/sysconfig/network/routes
echo NETCONFIG_DNS_POLICY=\"\" >> /etc/sysconfig/network/config
echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf
/etc/init.d/network restart
zypper refresh

Installing the Frontend (WebUI and API)

Start with a minimal Suse install and then add Tools repository where OBS 1.7 is available.

cd /etc/zypp/repos.d/;
zypper ref
# Accept the trust key

Install obs-api (It's going to install lighttpd webserver by dependency for you).

zypper in obs-api

Setup Mysql

Mysql server needs to be installed and configured to start as deamon

chkconfig --add mysql
rcmysql start

Setup a secure installation, if it's the first time starting mysql


The frontend instance holds 2 applications, the api and the webui. Each one need a database created

mysql -u root -p
mysql> create database api_production;
mysql> create database webui_production;

Add obs user to handle these databases

GRANT all privileges
      ON api_production.* 
      TO 'obs'@'%', 'obs'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '************';
GRANT all privileges
      ON webui_production.* 
      TO 'obs'@'%', 'obs'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '************';

Configure your MySQL user and password in the "production:" section of the api config:

vi /srv/www/obs/api/config/database.yml
#change the production section
  adapter: mysql
  database: api_production
  username: obs
  password: ************

Do the same for the webui. It's configured, by default to use sqlite, but since we're configuring the cluster for production environment, let's bind it to mysql:

vi /srv/www/obs/webui/config/database.yml
#change the production section
  adapter: mysql
  database: webui_production
  username: obs
  password: ************

Populate the database

cd /srv/www/obs/api/
RAILS_ENV="production" rake db:migrate
cd /srv/www/obs/webui/
RAILS_ENV="production" rake db:migrate

You can check the migration was successful verifying the “migrated” message at the end of each statement.

Setup and configure lighttpd for the api and webui

You need to setup the correct hostnames to where webui, api and repo server are going to point to

vi /etc/lighttpd/vhosts.d/obs.conf
#webui (first section)
$HTTP["host"] =~ "" {
#api (second section)
$HTTP["host"] =~ "" {
#comment out whole the last section (3rd)
#It's going to be configured no Backend enabling the repository listing there

To enable these vhosts, make sure to uncomment the following in the 'custom includes' section at the bottom of /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf:

vi /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
  ## custom includes like vhosts.
  #include "conf.d/config.conf"
  # following line uncommented as per
  # /usr/share/doc/packages/obs-api/README.SETUP
  include_shell "cat vhosts.d/*.conf"

Also, the modules "mod_magnet", "mod_rewrite" and fastcgi need to be enabled by uncommenting the corresponding lines in /etc/lighttpd/modules.conf:

vi /etc/lighttpd/modules.conf
    server.modules = (
    #  "mod_alias",
    #  "mod_auth",
    #  "mod_evasive",
    #  "mod_redirect",
    #  "mod_setenv",
    #  "mod_usertrack",
    ## mod_magnet
    include "conf.d/magnet.conf"
    ## FastCGI (mod_fastcgi)
    include "conf.d/fastcgi.conf"

You need also to configure /srv/www/obs/webui/config/environments/production.rb to point to correct server names:

vi /srv/www/obs/webui/config/environments/production.rb

Do the same for /srv/www/obs/api/config/environments/production.rb. As soon your backend is not on the same machine as the api (frontend), change the following:

vi /srv/www/obs/api/config/environments/production.rb

Make sure TCP port 5352 is open on the firewall. Restart lighttpd

#first add it as deamon
chkconfig --add lighttpd
rclighttpd start

ligthttpd user and group need to be the onwer of api and webui dirs (as well as log and tmp):

chown -R lighttpd.lighttpd /srv/www/obs/{api,webui}/{log,tmp}

Installing the Backend

On this host we need also to setup openSuse Tools repository:

cd /etc/zypp/repos.d/;
zypper ref
# Accept the trust key


zypper in obs-server obs-signer obs-utils
# obs-server brings these other packages as dependency. This is just for you to notice which packages are needed for Backend installation

Configure Scheduler architectures

vi /etc/sysconfig/obs-server

/usr/lib/obs/server/ needs to point to correct server names corresponding to source server, where workers are going to download the source, and the repository server, where RPM repos are going to be shered to users.

vi /usr/lib/obs/server/
my $hostname = "";
our $srcserver = "";
our $reposerver = "";

Configure services as deamons

chkconfig --add obsrepserver obssrcserver obsscheduler obsdispatcher obspublisher
#Check them
chkconfig -l obsrepserver obssrcserver obsscheduler obsdispatcher obspublisher

Start Services

   rcobsrepserver start
   rcobssrcserver start
   rcobsscheduler start
   rcobsdispatcher start
   rcobspublisher  start

For version 1.7 there are a new services. You can start them as well:

  • obswarden
  It checks if build hosts are dieing and cleans up hanging builds
  • obssigner
  It is used to sign packages via the obs-sign daemon. You need to configure
  it in before you can use it.
  • obsservice
  The is the source service daemon. OBS 1.7 just comes with a download
  service so far. This feature is considered to be experimental so far,
  but can be already extended with own services.

Install Lighttpd

lighttpd also needs to be available on backend server. This is required to provide directory listing on the repositories available on this server when an http/s request to maemo-repo is made through web ui.

zypper in lighttpd

Create a new file under /etc/lighttpd/vhosts.d/. It can be obs.conf as well, and add:

vi /etc/lighttpd/vhosts.d/obs.conf
$HTTP["host"] =~ "" { = ""
  server.document-root = "/srv/obs/repos/"
  dir-listing.activate = "enable"

To enable vhosts, remember to uncomment the following in the 'custom includes':

vi /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
  ## custom includes like vhosts.
  #include "conf.d/config.conf"
  # following line uncommented as per
  # /usr/share/doc/packages/obs-api/README.SETUP
  include_shell "cat vhosts.d/*.conf"

Start lighttpd

#first add it as deamon
chkconfig --add lighttpd
rclighttpd start

Installing the Workers

The other 14 hosts on the cluster are reserved to be used as workers, where package builds are going to place.

The same openSuse Tools repository addition must be done for each worker.

cd /etc/zypp/repos.d/;
zypper ref
# Accept the trust key

Install worker:

zypper in obs-worker

Edit the file /etc/sysconfig/obs-worker in order to point to correct repository server.

vi /etc/sysconfig/obs-worker

Each worker has 16 CPUs, so 16 workers need to be started.

uses curl to download the worker source code from backend server, therefore, for curl to work properly with the proxy setup on worker you must edit .curlrc (under users home dir) and set --noproxy "" in order to bypass proxy settings.

Start the worker service:

chkconfig --add obsworker
rcobsworker start