Packaging a Qt application


Packaging a Qt Application

Looking for a debian package of your Application

If you want to port a popular Qt application probably it is already packaged for debian. You can try to get the package source:

  • Adding a debian src repository in your /etc/apt/source.list file
$echo “deb unstable main contrib non-free” >> /etc/apt/source.list
$apt-get update
$apt-cache search app_name
$apt-get source app_name
  • Checking, downloading the following files and running dpkg-source -x app_name.dsc to decompress the upstream source and to apply the changes available in the diff.gz file.
    • upstream source file (.tar.gz)
    • package changes (.diff.gz)
    • meta-data information file (.dsc)

Creating a Debian package for a new Qt Application

You need to:

  • Rename the upstream source directory in Package-Version (eg: myapp-0.1)
  • Run dh_make to debianize the source archive, it creates:
    • An archive with the unchanged upstream source (orig.tar.gz)
    • Some basic files in the debian directory
    • Some example files (*.EX *.ex)

Useful Links

Qt4Maemo at garage

Official Qt 4.4 Documentation