
  1. Move workspace to /scratchbox/users/maemo/home/maemo/workspace and symlink back to ~/workspace
  2. Install Hermes through HAM in Scratchbox
  3. Install git-core git-gui gitk community-themes in VM
  4. Change theme to New Wave
  5. Right Hermes starting instructions (works from within ESBox)
  6. Get GUI working again on master


Getting started

The Hermes repository needs "cloning" to your environment. Open Terminal and type:

 $ cd workspace
 $ git clone git:// hermes.git

We then need to tell git about you:

 $ git config --global "Joe Bloggs"
 $ git config --global ""

Finally, we import the project into Eclipse:

  1. Start ESBox
  2. Select File > Import... > General > Existing project into workspace...
  3. Browse to ~/workspace/hermes.git
  4. Ensure Hermes is checked.
  5. Click Finish.

Starting Maemo

From within ESBox click the drop down next to the Maemo ae and select Start.

Starting Hermes



Committing changes

When there are changes in your working copy. git needs to be told that you want to commit the changes to these files (and that "Usage.txt" is a new file it should care about):

 $ cd ~/src/hermes.git
 $ git status
 $ git add Logos/Usage.txt Logos/bg-transparent.png
 $ git status

Finally, commit the changes to your local branch with an appropriate commit message:

 $ git commit -m "Tweak PNG logo, and add usage guidelines"

You can use git log and GUI tools like gitk to explore the branch on your harddisk, and see the changes over time.

When should you commit?

Commit when a "chunk" of work has been completed, and make each commit contain files which are related.

Pushing changes

It is important to push your changes back up to the master repo, as this then makes them available for "pulling" by anyone else on the project:

 $ git push origin master

origin is the name of your local branch, and master is the name of the remote branch.

Pulling changes

Similarly, other people may have made changes which you should be aware of. You can retrieve them by doing:

$ git pull origin master