

few tips/notes

5 dot syndrome (no boot to desktop), possible reasons

1/ missing /home/user

2/ initscripts fail for hildon-desktop (happened to me when there was an error in /home/user/.profile *doh*)

irc wisdom


Remove battery for 1 minute. Insert battery. Plug powered ***NOKIA WALLCHARGER*** to device. Watch steady amber. Let sit and charge. Do NOT try to boot. After 30 min, you got either:

  • a booted up N900,
  • flashing amber which means you can boot,
  • steady amber shut off -> start over again with ~flatbatrecover while already searching for a new battery. CAVEAT! Only works when ~rootfs OK (no ~bootloop) </pre>

~flashing, or (on linux PC) download&extract, cd into it, do sudo ./</pre>