


Prey is a free and open source laptop tracking software developed by Fork Ltd, that helps recover computers by tracing their location through the remote retrieval of information. The software is activated from the outside by using a URL as a checking method, and phones home by sending a detailed report either to a centralized control panel or directly to the computer owner's mailbox.

Prey is almost purely written in Bash, and runs on various versions of GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. Its source code is hosted on GitHub and is free software, released under the GNU GPLv3.

Latest Prey features include Wi-Fi autoconnect, an alarm system, remote messaging, screenshot grabbing, screen locking, data securing, hardware scanning and webcam capturing, if the computer includes one. All of these functions are managed as modules, which can be activated on demand by the user, and new functions can be added by adding new modules.

The application was originally released for Linux and Mac OS X on March 24, 2009, and on April 19, 2009 the Windows port was released as well. The current stable release is 0.5.3.

What's working

  • Geolocation info
  • Network info
  • Take screenshot
  • List of running programs
  • Take picture with front camera

What's not working

  • Alarm feature
  • Alert feature
  • Lock feature
  • Secure feature


To install