User talk:Rebhana

The following is a compilation of modifications I applied to my personal installation of Easy Debian (a digest of my contributions to the thread Easy Debian Fremantle Beta Testing) and which I suggest for inclusion in the next versions of debian-m5-v3b.img.ext2 and the easy-deb-chroot package.


Proposed changes to image debian-m5-v3b.img.ext2

Better internationalizability

  • change /usr/bin/xephwm5 such that:
export TWOWIN=`wmctrl -l | grep -i Info | awk '{print $1}'`

This covers languages bs, ca, cs, da, de, en_CA, en_GB, es, eu, fr, gl, hr, hu, id, it, lt, lv, nb, nl, nn, pl, pt, pt_BR, ro, sk, sq, sr@Latn, sv

Preparation for "su -" in future /usr/bin/debbie

  • Add
#Messy hack to make tap-and-hold work with GTK apps.
#Some OpenOffice environment variables
export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN="gtk"
export OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP="gnome"
export SAL_NOOPENGL="true"
#export SAL_DISABLE_CUPS="true"

to /etc/profile

  • Instead of "PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '" I also suggest to put I
  PS1='deb:\w\$ '

into /etc/profile. Remove any $PS1 setting from /root/.bashrc.

Proposed changes to easy-deb-chroot 0.9.46-1fremantle1

  • "su -"

/usr/bin/debbie: add hyphen in two lines:

sudo /sbin/debian su - ...

Some applications do not work properly without that (zim), others fail in LXDE (gramps), and internationalization works better in debbie and /sbin/debian that way.

It would however be necessary to communicate this change to users of images up to v3b, so that they insert the necessary environment variables in /etc/profile.

alson in debchroot.desktop:

Exec=osso-xterm "sudo debian su -"