Summer'12 Device Program/New Apps for Nokia Store
The 25 participants have been selected. Thank you everybody!
There are many interesting applications for the Nokia N9 that can be found in the community channels but no at the Nokia Store. Some of them would be well received by the N9 users at large, don't you think? This activity brings an incentive for community developers to cover that last mile.
Questions and feedback about the submissions are welcome in this forum thread.
Please add below your preference for N950 or N9 and send an email to quim.gil nokia com with your Nokia Developer userID. Make sure your Nokia Developer profile contains the right contact & shipping details. Thanks!
- DATA RECEIVED = Quim has received your email with your data and has added it to a nice spreadsheet.
- DONE = The developer has received the device.
- PUBLISHED DONE mobilecrunch, by Michael Demetriou (qwazix) - This is a calculator based on speedcrunch, kde's default calculator. The ui is completely rewritten in QML. The special thing about it is that it uses the native meego input method (maliit), with all it's advantages for input. Related links: kde speedcrunch website - device preference: N950 -
- PUBLISHED DONE Presence VNC, by Jonni Rainisto (jonni) - This is a VNC client originally ported from N900 to Harmattan, which is now upgraded with working VKB for N9. This is also mentioned in missing apps list. - device preference: N950
- PUBLISHED (Blob) PUBLISHED (Clipbook) DONE Blob, ClipBook by Anand Bibek (anandbibek) - Blob is the first Google Blogger(formerly blogspot) client for Meego (and also Symbian). Features a full fledged blog management ability along with some special tricks like clipboard manager and PC style text editor. Currently 99% done and awaiting a little polish before submitting to store. || ClipBook is a clipboard manager app that stores the clipboard entries into a database whenever a new item is available in clipboard, making the history accessible even after a restart of the app, or the phone. Other works @my blog _ Device preference - N9
- PUBLISHED DONE Eyrie, by Michael Sheldon (Elleo) - Eyrie listens to music through the device's microphone and computes a fingerprint based around the EchoPrint algorithm which is then used to find out what the music is and who it's by (similar to proprietary apps like Shazam and SoundHound). An N9 would be particularly useful for this project due to apparent differences in recognition performance between the N950 and the N9. Device preference: N9, Links: My other Maemo/MeeGo related work
- PUBLISHED DONE - N9 - Camdrive, by Tomasz Pieniążek (arcean) - a C++/qt-components application that transforms your N9 into a car black box. Offers many interesting features, such as: car collision detection, playing stored videos and showing important informations in the same time. Provides an easy way to call emergency service, friend or just to send defined text message to someone. - device preference: N9
- PUBLISHED DATA RECEIVED NfcKeyring, by Mikael Hermansson (mikecomputing) - Stores password cryptated on your phone. Using a TAG to unlock the "MasterKey". The app simply reads the SNR from any Mifare compatible TAG and creates an AES key calculkated by SHA256(SNR and phone IMEA merged together). The AES key is then used to encrypt/decrypt the database.
- PUBLISHED DONE Waze-qt @ apps4meego Waze-qt @ TMO, by Assaf Paz (damagedspline) - Waze is a free, community-based traffic & navigation app and this is its unofficial Qt port - Prefer an N9
- PUBLISHED DONE Scrobbler, by Fernando Muñoz (munozferna,beford) - Scrobbler is a and application that allows you to register what you listen on the N9 built in media player. This is an effort to bring Felipe Contrera's Maemo-scrobbler into the Ovi Store. This need some work related to adding Account framework support, and optifying the package. Currently users need to edit a file from the Terminal in order to be able to use it. I've already ported, developed and published my own apps in the Ovi Store. 123 Device preference - N950
- DONE DATA RECEIVED SymPy Interactive Shell for Harmattan, by Roberto Colistete Jr. (rcolistete) - SymPy is a a Computer Algebra System (CAS) like Mathematica, Maple, Maxima, etc, written in pure Python. I'm the maintainer of SymPy for Maemo 4, Maemo 5 and MeeGo Harmattan, as well as a contributor for the SymPy project helping it to run on small screens (by using the num_columns option to pretty printer). The goal is to release "SymPy Interactive Shell" with an icon, automatic installation of dependencies (including Terminal and IPython) and finally submitting to Nokia Store. The site "SymPy for smartphones & tablets" shows that Nokia N9/N950 is one of the best smartphones to run SymPy (due to speed, IPython availability, etc) and with the new "SymPy Interactive Shell" it would be easier to install and use. Preference for a N9 (because N950 would be more difficult to receive in Brazil, is not 100% compatible with N9 for testing & development and I have external Bluetooth keyboards)
- DONE phoneME for Maemo, by Davy Preuveneers (DavyP) - phoneME is an open source JavaME compatible virtual machine originally developed by Sun/Oracle which allows you to various midlets. After having done ports for WinCE and Android, I also did one for Maemo and MeeGo (upon request from another Maemo community member). It runs midlets much faster than MicroEmulator on top of JavaSE. The packages are available for download over here. More details about the port itself with feedback by the community in this TMO thread. - device preference: N9
- PUBLISHED DONE Perth Trains, by Matt Austin (mattaustin) - A python/pyside/QML app which displays live departure information for Transperth trains, in Perth Western Australia. 2012-06-13: Now published in the Nokia store. Forums links: 1, 2. - device preference: N9
- PUBLISHED DATA RECEIVED PushUp, by Jens Georg (phako) - PushUp is a N9 sharing provider which implements the DLNA +PU+ service, allowing to show or play media files on UPnP/DLNA rendering devices such as TVs or speakers without the need of a fully-fledged DLNA server. It is planned that it will also support uploading to UPnP/DLNA media servers (+UP+) in the future. Also see its announcement on my blog or its entry in (New version published). N9 preferred.
- PUBLISHED DONE StandByMee-Chess, by O. Varol (BluesLee) - StandByMee-Chess displays a randomly chosen chess position given by a FEN (Forsyth-Edwards-Notation) on the standby screen of the Nokia N9. For this I use an included chess database consisting of mate in #2 positions. I prefer an N9 as the N950 has no low power screen.
- PUBLISHED DONE MeePasswords, by Ruediger Gad (Wonko) and Cornelius Hald (conny) - MeePasswords is a simple tool to securely store short snippets of sensible or confidential data such as passwords and the like. - Download via, (most recent version),direct download,Fremantle version - MeePasswords and versions for both Harmattan and Fremantle had been submitted to Nokia store for Q/A review today (2nd of June 2012). - MeePasswords Thread at TMO - In case MeePasswords is elected as winning application conny will receive the device. - Device preference: N9
- SUBMITTED TO QA Conky, by Lance Colton (Creamy Goodness) - Conky is a configurable system information utility that lets you fill the screen with various graphs and lists of things relating to phone resource usage such as memory, cpu, disk io, battery, network connections, and more. I spent a lot of time working on it for the n900 and n9, but it cannot go into the ovi store as-is because it has dependencies on other packages and I would need to recompile it to include those.
- PUBLISHED DATA RECEIVED Radio, by Matias Perez (CepiPerez) - A radio player for MeeGo Harmattan. It allows you to listen to your radio stations, showing the current track info with the artist bio. You can search for artists or genres too. Also you can scrobble, love and ban the listened tracks.
- PUBLISHED DATA RECEIVED FotoShareN9, by Gabriel Böhme (AlphaX2) - FotoShareN9 is an application for your N9/N950 device. It allows you to share your pictures with the cloud directly in the moment they are shot. It is supporting Dropbox and/or also a (web) server free of your choice. You can connect to them via ftp, sftp or scp! So you don't have to use the Gallery nor any other client, your pictures shared/secured in your cloud. It's planed to push the app to Nokia Store as well, but it need some little tuning and maybe it will get some more features. It's/It will be released under GPL3, the code will also be available at Everybody understanding german can also follow this thread on Preferred device: N950.
- DONE PUBLISHED DATA RECEIVED SDLHana, by Maciej Stankiewicz (trompkins) - is a port of SDL-based Hanafuda (flower cards) game. Improvements include: completely revamped graphics - including the card deck, TrueType font support instead of aliased bitmap fonts, new and enhanced sound effects featuring round robin (non-consecutive) sample playback, a simple 'how to play' and a couple of other things. The original can be found here. Preferred device: N950.
- PUBLISHED DONE Mapsi, by Lasse Stenberg (orava) - Mapsi is a map application that is mainly targeted for hikers, geocachers, fishermen etc. Preferred device: N950.
- Published DONE Qt Watermark, by Wesley Chong (cckwes) - a photo watermarking application. Photo can be selected from the build in gallery or taken using build in camera for watermarking. Users can create watermark from the 6 preset watermarking types or create a custom watermark option. Users can set the text, font, font color, size, rotation as well as the opacity of the watermark. In development for new features like picture watermarking and batch processing. Preferred device: N9.
- PUBLISHED DONE Tweetian, by Dickson Leong (Dickson) - Tweetian is a feature rich Twitter app for Symbian and MeeGo, developed with Qt and QML. It comes with beautiful UI thanks to QML. Beside basic functions of a Twitter client, Tweetian also have some amazing features like integrated image viewer from multiple service, add/view tweet location, view trending topics and saved searches, tweet translation, autofill for names and hashtag and more. Discussion thread can be found here. Preferred device: N9.
- PUBLISHED DONE Shopper, by Arushi Singh(Trinity) Shopper is a QML based eBay app for Symbian and MeeGo devices. Supports browsing and searching products, view categories, item details, user detail, addition and removal in watch list. Shopper will be published on Nokia store as soon as some major bugs are fixed. It will be great to have a MeeGo device as it will speed up the development and testing of many features. The discussion thread can be found here I prefer N9
- DONE DATA RECEIVED PUBLISHED TimeTrack, by Boris Pohler (emanymton) - TimeTrack is a simple timetracking application first developed for the N900. In August 2011 I started to port the application to meego but get stuck. This application lets you track your times for different projects. For now you can add, delete, reset your projects. For further evaluation you can export your stopped periods to a csv-file. The csv-file will be stored in the documents folder. Supported languages by now: englisch, german. Newest version can be found here (german website), I prefer N9
- Done PUBLISHED DATA RECEIVED Tap2Count, by Shintu Dhang (Shin2_D) - Tap 2 count is an innovative app that helps you to remember the number of tap pressed just by tapping anywhere on the screen. It has Touch vibration for haptic feedback. App has been published at Nokia Store. Preferred device: N9.
- Done PUBLISHED DATA RECEIVED apps4meego imgrup, by Michael Ketslah (ZogG) - Small app that can upload images from gallery or camera to After that you can copy, open or share url. As well you can browse the top of the week of the imgur gallery. The account integration is in plan (for non anonymous upload and gallery managment). would prefer N950
- This page was last modified on 27 August 2012, at 19:34.
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