User talk:Rebhana
The following is a compilation of modifications I applied to my personal installation of Easy Debian and which I suggest for inclusion in the next versions of debian-m5-v3b.img.ext2 and the easy-deb-chroot package.
(This is essentially a writer's digest of my contributions to the thread Easy Debian Fremantle Beta Testing - @qole: feel free to add comments, mark as "Fixed in v3c", won't fix, or whatever, as you like; all others: discussions should continue in the above talk thread, not here, please.)
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Proposed changes to image debian-m5-v3b.img.ext2
Better internationalizability
- change /usr/bin/xephwm5 such that:
export TWOWIN=`wmctrl -l | grep -i Info | awk '{print $1}'`
This covers languages bs, ca, cs, da, de, en_CA, en_GB, es, eu, fr, gl, hr, hu, id, it, lt, lv, nb, nl, nn, pl, pt, pt_BR, ro, sk, sq, sr@Latn, sv
- don't enable sticky keys hack by default
therefore in /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart comment out:
#xkbset exp 60 =sticky =twokey =latchlock #xkbset sticky -twokey latchlock
Preparation for "su -" in future /usr/bin/debbie
- Add
#Messy hack to make tap-and-hold work with GTK apps. export #Some OpenOffice environment variables export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN="gtk" export OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP="gnome" export SAL_NOOPENGL="true" export OOO_DISABLE_RECOVERY="true" export SAL_DISABLE_SYNCHRONOUS_PRINTER_DETECTION="true" #export SAL_DISABLE_CUPS="true"
to /etc/profile
- Instead of "PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '" I also suggest to put I
PS1='deb:\w\$ '
into /etc/profile. Remove any $PS1 setting from /root/.bashrc.
- evince
- does not show up in LXDE menu. For that it needs "NoDisplay=false" in /usr/share/applications/evince.desktop followed by
xdg-desktop-menu install --novendor /usr/share/applications/evince.desktop
- make evince also display postscript files
- I noticed that installing "gv" pulled in the required packages (psfontmgr perhaps?) to display postscript files also with evince
- extra packages
- are of course not needed, since everyone can install them themselves. The following packages are however small enough to consider having them added: less, rsync. Slightly bigger but extremely useful: openssh-client, cups-client
- xbindkeys
- man pages are missing, but would be desirable I think. Simply re-install xbindkeys.
- /var/run/onfirstchroot.rc script might have xbindkeys started by default. But that does interfere slightly with Maemo. For instance, Shift-Space under Maemo is a language toggle, which is then turned into a full screen toggle until closechroot is executed.
Not sure whether fixing sound by
debbie xmms2d -o pulse
and then starting lxmusic fixes the configuration stored in /home/user or in the image. If in the latter, this could be fixed in the image.
Minor cleanups
- /etc/hosts aliases localhost to Nokia-N800-23-14. Since the 2GB image doesn't work for Diablo (true?), this should be changed to Nokia-N900-42-11 perhaps.
- xephwm5 produces (harmless) error "trl: command not found"
- /var/log could be cleaned. Since no syslog is started (correct?), auth.log, bootstrap.log, daemon.log, debug, kern.log, lastlog, messages, scrollkeeper.log, syslog, user.log contain only obsolete messages from before the image was created and could be emptied (frees a few MB)
- /etc contains a number of files ending with "." or ".MonSep8"
- /etc/passwd contains an (encrypted) root password
- /var/backups/ could be emptied
Proposed changes to easy-deb-chroot 0.9.46-1fremantle1
(Can be done at a later stage; in fact assumes that /etc/profile in the image has been fixed as above.)
- "su -"
/usr/bin/debbie: add hyphen in two lines:
sudo /sbin/debian su - ...
Some applications do not work properly without that (zim), others fail in LXDE (gramps), and internationalization works better in debbie and /sbin/debian that way (the Maemo environment variable LANG does not include ".UTF-8").
It would however be necessary to communicate this change to users of images up to v3b, so that they insert the necessary environment variables in /etc/profile.
also in debchroot.desktop:
Exec=osso-xterm "sudo debian su -"
- .xbindkeysrc
- delete spurious first lines
- add tab and escape, too:
"xvkbd -xsendevent -text '\t'" Control + KP_Enter
"xvkbd -xsendevent -text '\e'" Shift + BackSpace
The last one was suggested by debernadis; the tab is my suggestion.