
Apkenv is a compatibility layer for applications packaged as ".apk", runs on Harmattan (N9) and Fremantle (N900).

"This project is a proof-of-concept on how applications targetting one platform can be made compatible with not so much effort as initially thought."

Official apkenv page (Details and download)


Installation/Usage Instructions


1. Download the latest apkenv.harmattan binary from http://thp.io/2012/apkenv/ (currently not available use link below)

Current version for Harmattan link (note that zip includes Bionic binaries mentioned below, skip step 4 if you use this file)

2. With the zip file above, extract it to MyDocs (default view when phone in Mass storage-mode).

3. In terminal do:

mkdir -p /home/user/apkenv
cp -R /home/user/MyDocs/apkenv/* /home/user/apkenv/
chmod 775 /home/user/apkenv/apkenv
(default pasword: rootme)
apt-get install libsdl1.2 libsdl-mixer1.2 libgles1-sgx-img

4. Download the Bionic binaries from http://thp.io/2012/apkenv/ and place them in /home/user/apkenv/ or copy them from /home/nitdroid/system/lib only if you are running NiTDroid Alpha 4!

4-1. Incase of extreme laziness to read nitdroid forum, download nitdroid binary (http://downloads.nitdroid.com/e-yes/n9/nitdroid_n9_ics_alpha4.tar.bz2), extract it and go to /system/lib path.

The libraries required:


5. If you have a .apk file in /home/user/MyDocs/, run it as follows in terminal:

cd /home/user/apkenv/
./apkenv /home/user/MyDocs/APK_NAME


1. Download the latest apkenv.fremantle binary from http://thp.io/2012/apkenv/ (not currently available)

2. Save the downloaded binary to /home/user/MyDocs

3. In terminal do:

mkdir -p /home/user/apkenv
cp -R /home/user/MyDocs/apkenv.fremantle.VERSION_DATE /home/user/apkenv/apkenv
chmod 775 /home/user/apkenv/apkenv
apt-get install libsdl1.2 libsdl-mixer1.2 libgles1-sgx-img libsdl-gles1.2-1

4. Download the Bionic binaries from http://thp.io/2012/apkenv/ and place them in /home/user/apkenv/

The libraries required:


5. If you have a .apk file in /home/user/MyDocs/, run it as follows in terminal:

cd /home/user/apkenv/
./apkenv /home/user/MyDocs/APK_NAME.apk

Frequently asked questions

1. Do I need NITdroid?

Nope. But you may need Bİonic libraries, download them from thp.io or here and place them on the same folder you placed apkenv.

2. "Permission denied" message

Run this: "chmod +x apkenv", then ./apkenv, It should work now.

Also if you used some app as root you might need to run this: chmod 777 /home/user/.apkenv

3. Im getting "/home/user/ is not ours" error.

That's because of you ran it as root, you should run the binary as user

4. Im getting "./apkenv not found" error.

Make sure you have changed to the binary directory using "cd" command

Android Games Compatibility

Kindly update the Games Compatibility wiki with your results when running an .apk regardless of success rate!
