
Apkenv is a compatibility layer for applications packaged as ".apk", runs on Harmattan (N9) and Fremantle (N900).

"This project is a proof-of-concept on how applications targetting one platform can be made compatible with not so much effort as initially thought."

Official apkenv page (Details and download)



Installation/Usage Instructions


1. Download the latest apkenv.harmattan binary from http://thp.io/2012/apkenv/

Current version direct link

2. Save the downloaded binary to /home/user/MyDocs

3. In terminal do:

mkdir -p /home/user/apkenv
cp -R /home/user/MyDocs/apkenv.harmattan.VERSION_DATE /home/user/apkenv/apkenv
chmod 775 /home/user/apkenv/apkenv
apt-get install libsdl1.2 libsdl-mixer1.2 libgles1-sgx-img

4. Download the Bionic binaries from http://thp.io/2012/apkenv/ and place them in /home/user/apkenv/ or copy them from /home/nitdroid/system/lib only if you are running NiTDroid Alpha 4!

5. Incase of extreme laziness to read nitdroid forum, download nitdroid binary (http://downloads.nitdroid.com/e-yes/n9/nitdroid_n9_ics_alpha4.tar.bz2), extract it and go to /system/lib path.

The libraries required:


5. If you have a .apk file in /home/user/MyDocs/, run it as follows in terminal:

cd /home/user/apkenv/
./apkenv /home/user/MyDocs/APK_NAME

NOTE: Kindly update the Games Compatibility wiki with your results when running an .apk regardless of success rate!

Frequently asked questions

1. Do I need NITdroid?

Nope. But you may need Bİonic libraries, download them from thp.io and place them on the same folder you placed apkenv.

2. "Permission denied" message

Run this: "chmod +x apkenv", then ./apkenv, It should work now.
