Personal Menu tips and tricks

This page is a collection of tips and tricks for Personal Menu and Personal Launcher.


Opening File in Media Player

  • Step 1: Open Settings for Pmenu or PLauncher
  • Step 2: Click add new entry
  • Step 3: Name your entry
  • Step 4: Enter into Command to execute: /usr/bin/dbus-send --print-reply /com/nokia/mediaplayer string:"<location of file>"
  • Step 5: Choose Icon
  • Step 6: Click Ok and Close Settings window.
*<location to file> would be either the web address or the location of the file on your tablet

Adding entry for Web address

Example of Adding Icon for Google

To add a entry for either a web address or any file that is location on your tablet that opens in browser use the following tip.

  • Step 1: Open Settings for Pmenu or PLauncher
  • Step 2: Click add new entry
  • Step 3: Name your entry
  • Step 4: Enter into Command to execute: browser --url=<location to file>
  • Step 5: Choose Icon
  • Step 6: Click Ok and Close Settings window.
*<location to file> would be either the web address or the location of the file on your tablet

Adjust Volume using Personal Launcher

  • Step 1: Open Settings for Personal Launcher
  • Step 2: Adding Volume Down
    • Step 2.1: Click add new entry
    • Step 2.2: Name your entry
    • Step 2.3: Enter into Command to execute: gconftool -t int -s /apps/osso/sound/master_volume `expr $(gconf-tool -g /apps/osso/sound/master_volume) - 10`
  • Step 3: Adding Volume Down
    • Step 3.1: Click add new entry
    • Step 3.2: Name your entry
    • Step 3.3: Enter into Command to execute: gconftool -t int -s /apps/osso/sound/master_volume `expr $(gconf-tool -g /apps/osso/sound/master_volume) + 10`

Taken from itT Thread[1]

Adding Custom Icons for Personal Menu/Launcher

If you would like to add some icons that you can use for your personal menu/launcher or if you would like to change on that is already there follow these steps.

  • Step 1: Create a 64px x 64px icon and save in .png format.
  • Step 2: Upload file to /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/hildon/
  • Step 3: Run in Terminal as root: gtk-update-icon-cache -f /usr/share/icons/hicolor
    • Step 3.1 Rebooting device should do the trick also.
  • Step 4: Set icon for your entry. Custom icon will appear under hildon in drop down box.