Customizing Maemo

This article will someday describe how everybody can customize Maemo 5 to make it as personal as possible. Discussion on t.m.o concerning customization in this thread.



Available themes can be installed straight from Application Manager. If you want to make your own theme, see below.

There is an application for making themes to Maemo OS2008. This will be updated as soon as possible to cover also N900 and Maemo5. See article Maemo Theme Maker HOWTO


There is already for wallpapers. Unfortunately, you need a .desktop-file if you want to configure panoramic wallpapers.

Example of a .desktop -file:

[Desktop Entry]
Type=Background Image



There will be an application for wallpaper handling to be released (hopefully) soon. See Prismic wallpaper manager

Shortcut to multiple desktops

DISCLAIMER: This is for Power users, and operations are potentially dangerous. Please see General precautions for further information.

Use the same shortcut twice on the desktops can be useful. In order to do it, you have to manually modify appropiate .desktop file by adding the "X-Multiple=true" entry into the file. See Desktop file format for further information.

Welcome screen

It is possible to edit hildon-welcome. A howto is available here. Examples: "Open source. Open heart. Open future.", "The Power of Open."

Advanced customization

Here will be a section of advanced customization for power users. Those operations are always potentionally dangerous!