User talk:Dov

First day

So today my N900 arrived. Meanwhile things are not going too well:

  • I can't get WiFi to work to my router. The connection is established, but I neither DNS nor http is working over it. I manage to connect to an alternate router, and I'm doing my second upgrade. Hopefully it will solve the connection problem.
  • What's frustrating is that I can't even ping or ssh to investigate the problem, since you need extra to access that and you can't do it without networking...
  • Tried ssh to the N900. Doesn't work.
  • Tried ssh from the N900. No ssh.
  • My charger isn't working. Fortunately I can charge through USB.
  • I can't access the Extra directory. Perhaps it is related to the upgrade. We'll see.


  • I got so far so that I realize that wifi is working on my home network, but the dhcp connection does strange things to my network.
  • I got an internal connection going to my home box.
  • After managing to install ssh on the phone I managed to ssh into the phone so that I can type more freely.
  • DNS wasn't set up, so I added it manually to /etc/resolve.conf . nslookup works!
  • But routing still fails. Either It is not turning to the router or the router isn't forwarding the connection outside of the router. How can I tell?


  • Due to my lingual situation I have a need to write in English, Swedish, and Hebrew. I solved this in a hybrid way by installing Matan's rx-51 keymap and then giving the command:
 setxkbmap -rules evdev -model nokiarx51 -option grp:ctrl_shift_toggle -layout us,fise 

This gives the somewhat strange solution that I can switch between English and Swedish with Ctrl-Shift and between Hebrew and English with Fnc-Volume+. We'll see if I'll keep it that way.