unrestricted-system-ui is a modified system-ui package that allows developers and users to load plugins the Harmattan status menu.
How to install
To install unrestricted-system-ui you will need to have Inception or an open mode kernel installed.
Inception method:
wget http://mohammadag.xceleo.org/public/Harmattan/system-ui_1.2.24-2+0m7_armel.deb /usr/sbin/incept system-ui_1.2.24-2+0m7_armel.deb #enter root pass
Open mode method:
devel-su #enter pass wget http://mohammadag.xceleo.org/public/Harmattan/system-ui_1.2.24-2+0m7_armel.deb export AEGIS_FIXED_ORIGIN=com.nokia.maemo dpkg -i system-ui_1.2.24-2+0m7_armel.deb
Here is a list of plugins currently available for unrestricted-system-ui:
Brightness applet
MT-Toggles | A toggles platform
Quick Status Updater
Developers who plan to make status menu plugins should have unrestricted-system-ui in their debian/control Depends: line, this is to prevent user confusion and make it easier for the developer to support the user.
Plugins need to be installed in /usr/lib/meegotouch/applicationextensions/
.desktop files for the plugins need to be installed in /usr/share/meegotouch/applicationextensions
Please follow this naming scheme so it's easier for the user to distinguish plugins.
For the lib: libstatusindicatormenu-foobar.so
For the desktop file: statusindicatormenu-foobar.desktop
where foobar can be replaced with anything.
Here's a sample .desktop file
[Desktop Entry] Type=X-MeeGoApplicationExtension Name=Foo Bar Status menu plugin [X-MeeGoApplicationExtension] Interface=com.meego.core.MStatusIndicatorMenuExtensionInterface/1.0 Extension=libstatusindicatormenu-foobar.so