Slimming OS

This page is a work in progress, continue only if you know what you are doing! Never use apt-get autoremove (ie. watch out what apt wants to remove).

  • [safe] disabling welcome screen (date/time/language): delete/move /etc/X11/Xsession.d/30osso_startup_wizard
  • [safe] nokia hands: delete/move /etc/X11/Xsession.d/10hildon_welcome or: apt-get remove --purge hildon-welcome
  • [safe] remove cherry (nokia's sms subscruption): apt-get remove --purge cherry
  • [safe] remove osso-tutorial: apt-get remove --purge osso-tutorial*
  • [safe] remove *-installers: apt-get remove --purge ap-installer amazon-installer foreca-installer facebook-installer skype-installer dtg-installer

Tips and tricks

apt-magic [1]

#package description:
apt-cache show PKGNAME
#provides files:
#current version:
apt-cache policy PKGNAME
#reverse dependencies:
apt-cache showpkg PKGNAME
#remove (on device which can be reflashed)
apt-get remove --purge PKGNAME