Community SSU/Features

Note: There is a work-in-progress GUI editor for enabling CSSU features available from If you use that, you can ignore the editing and applying sections on this page.

Editing transitions.ini

To enable the CSSU features you have to edit a file (I use leafpad, but any editor works). After any CSSU update you have to do redo the edit or restore the backed up file (read below).

The file to edit is transitions.ini and is in:


So the command is:

leafpad /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini

If you use a theme that has a custom transitions.ini file, it will override the one above, so check in /opt/usr/share/themes/[name of the theme you're using]/transitions.ini, if changing the transitions.ini file in the above path doesn't work.

The CSSU tweaks have to be turned on at the end of the file one by one, where there is also a bit more documentation about them.

If you don't see an option there, you need to update the CSSU install (via the application manager). You can check which version you have using System, Settings, About Community SSU.

After an update to the CSSU, the old transitions are backed up in /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini.old, so you can restore them easily. However, if there have been two or more updates since you last did this, the .old one wont contain your changes. There is a bug logged to improve this behaviour. You can restore this saved copy using

mv /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini.old /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini

To apply the changes see the end of this page.

CpVIOW <a href="">rmqcstyusytf</a>, [url=]ezrymutzghfz[/url], [link=]lpzojiyjmqng[/link],

Applying the changes to transitions.ini

Some of these changes (taskswitcher, zaxisrotation, forcerotation) apply as soon as you save the file, while others (blurless) require you to restart hildon-desktop. You can do so by turning the phone off and on again, or running as root:

killall hildon-desktop

This will kill the hildon-desktop process, and it will be automatically restarted with the changed settings loaded and applied. Be sure not to "killall hildon-desktop" too often in a row (like several times in one minute), or the system will restart (nothing dangerous, though - just an annoyance).

Features that don't need a file editing

  • Install status-area-orientationlock-applet to add an applet that locks the landscape/portrait mode until you unlock it.
  • Use CTRL+SHIFT+S (+) and CTRL+SHIFT+F (-) to zoom in and out.

This document is up to date as of 20.2010.36-2maemo13 (see Settings, About Community SSU).