Mail for Exchange


Mail For Exchange (MfE) Heartbeat and FAQ

This page answers the questions which are commonly asked by new N900 MfE users. It is mostly based on the analysis of the MfE support thread.

This page is planned to be updated for every new MfE release.

Current version of the page describes the MfE software which can be found in sales box (sales release).


What server versions are supported by N900 MfE client?

MS Exchange 2007 with service packs on top. MS Exchange 2010 also works fine according to the users reports.

What server versions are NOT supported by N900 MfE client?

  • MS Exchange 2003 (is supported in the first MfE update which is not available for public yet).
  • All non-MS services (e.g., google).

How can I check is my server version supported or not?

  1. Take the logs following the steps described in the section How can I turn the logging ON or OFF?
  2. Grep (search) for "MS-ASProtocolVersions:" in the logs. If it contains "12.1" token, there is no problem with the version of your sever (if it is MS Exchange server, not something else).

Why feature XXX is presented in S60 and not presented in N900?

S60 and Maemo MfE are different MfE implementations.

The table below tries to summarize the most important differences between S60 and Maemo MfE implementations.

Feature S60 status Maemo status
E-Mail OK, subfolders are not synced OK, subfolders are synced
Calendar OK OK
Tasks OK OK
Meeting invitations replying OK NOK
Corporate address book (GAL) OK NOK (is supported in the first MfE update which is not available for public yet)
Exchange servers support 2003, 2007. 2007. (2003 is supported in the first MfE update which is not available for public yet)
Provisioning support Partly OK NOK

Lack of provisioning support in N900 MfE implementation is the most common root cause for inability to use N900 MfE with corporate Exchange servers in North America. See [[]] for additional details.

Enterprise customers



How can I turn the logging ON or OFF?

In order to turn the logs ON:

  1. install syslog and reboot
  2. open xterm
  3. Execute the command: sudo gainroot
  4. Execute the command: cat /dev/null > /var/log/syslog
  5. Execute the following commands:
    1. gconftool-2 -s --type=int /apps/activesync/AsDaemon/Syslog/MinLogLevel 0
    2. gconftool-2 -s --type=int /apps/activesync/modest/Syslog/MinLogLevel 0
    3. gconftool-2 -s --type=int /apps/activesync/AsProvider/Syslog/MinLogLevel 0
    4. gconftool-2 -s --type=int /apps/activesync/AsBackup/Syslog/MinLogLevel 0
    5. gconftool-2 -s --type=int /apps/activesync/asapplet/Syslog/MinLogLevel 0
    6. gconftool-2 -s --type=int /apps/activesync/AsStatusApplet/Syslog/MinLogLevel 0
  6. Reboot the device
  7. Initiate the synchronization session

/var/log/syslog will contain the logs. In order to filter only activesync-specific logs the following command can be used:

     grep activesync /var/log/syslog

In order to turn the logs OFF, execute the following commands from xterm:

    gconftool-2 -u /apps/activesync/AsDaemon/Syslog/MinLogLevel
    gconftool-2 -u /apps/activesync/modest/Syslog/MinLogLevel
    gconftool-2 -u /apps/activesync/AsProvider/Syslog/MinLogLevel
    gconftool-2 -u /apps/activesync/AsBackup/Syslog/MinLogLevel
    gconftool-2 -u /apps/activesync/asapplet/Syslog/MinLogLevel
    gconftool-2 -u /apps/activesync/AsStatusApplet/Syslog/MinLogLevel

After device reboot the logs will not be collected.