


The Mer DVCS packaging process looks like this:


An upstream package is unpacked and the debian/ directory is removed. It is then commited onto the upstream branch.

pristine-tar is used to ensure that the upstream tarball can be recreated perfectly.

master is the main branch and the only non-merge commits directly on this branch should be packaging-based and in debian/

All features or bug fixes are broken out to additional branches; 1 branch per feature or fix. The main difference is that features are not likely to go upstream whilst fixes are. This is very similar to quilt.


Development of a feature is done by cloning master; then branching locally and developing against master.

Once development is complete a new feature branch is created and the development branch is then cherry-picked onto the new feature branch.

Moving a Package to Gitorious

Initial setup

The following scripts need:

 PKG=<package name>
 GPKG=<gitorious-safe package name> (ie [a-z0-9_-]
 UPVER=<upstream version>
 TARBALL=<tarball name>
 TAG=<new version>

Get the upstream source unpacked

 mkdir $PKG
 cd $PKG
 mkdir _tmp
 cd _tmp
 tar xf ../../$TARBALL
 mv */* ../
 cd ..
 rm -rf _tmp

Cleanse the install

 mv debian ..

Create a git repo with the new stuff

 git init
 git add .
 git commit -am"${PKG}_$UPVER"

This is really the upstream branch

 git branch -m master upstream

For keeping an eye on things you may want gitk running. Use File->reload frequently (F5 doesn't work for me)

 gitk --all &

Save state

 pristine-tar commit ../$TARBALL

Prepare structure create master branch from upstream

 git checkout -b master

create Mer branch from master

 git checkout -b Mer

Apply debianisation

 mv ../debian .
 git add debian/
 git commit -am "initial debianize from upstream"

Feature/patch branches

Now apply features from the .diff.gz this has to be done manually

Identify a libtool feature

 git checkout upstream
 git checkout -b mer/libtool

apply hunks

 git commit -am"libtool fixes"

Identify an obs-fix feature

 git checkout upstream
 git checkout -b mer/obs-fix

apply hunks

 git commit -am"obs pthread fixes"

Now any debian/ hunks

 git checkout Mer

apply hunks

 git commit -am"Added Mer debianisation"

Now pull it all together

 git checkout master

look for all the mer/* and patch/* branches and merge them

 git branch -l
 git merge mer/libtool
 git merge mer/obs-fix

now use git log to create a top level ChangeLog entry

 git add ChangeLog
 git commit -m"$TAG"

Mark an 'upstream' release

 git tag $TAG

Now make a distro release

 git checkout Mer
 git merge master

now use git log to create a debian/changelog entry

 git add debian/changelog
 git commit -m"Mer_$TAG"
 git tag Mer_$TAG


Remove all obs code:

 cd ..
 rm $PKG*

regenerate it:

 cd $PKG
 pristine-tar checkout ../$TARBALL
 debuild -S -i.git

Build or examine to verify


Now push to gitorious

 git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/Mer

Logon to and create gitorious project

 git remote add origin$GPKG.git
 git push --mirror origin

on gitorious goto 'Edit Repository' and set default to Mer

Handling new upstream

This shows by example how glib upstream was merged.

Clone the gitorious repository (I made a clone on gitorious first) at

Get new upstream

 mkdir ../patches
 cd ../patches/

Prepare to merge

 git clone
 cd glib2_0-mer/
 git checkout --track origin/upstream
 git rm -r *

replace the upstream code

 mkdir _tmp
 cd _tmp
 tar xf ../../$TARBALL
 mv */* ../
 cd ..
 rm -rf _tmp
 git add .

Now we have a clean upstream release

 git commit -am"glib2.0_2.20.1"
 git tag 2.20.1
 pristine-tar commit ../glib2.0_2.20.1.orig.tar.gz

Apply all the maemo patches to their own branches

 git checkout upstream;git checkout -b mer/25-gatomic
 patch -p1 < ../patches/25-gatomic.patch
 git commit -am"applied gatomic"
 git checkout upstream;git checkout -b mer/30-gfileutils
 patch -p1 < ../patches/30-gfileutils.patch
 git commit -am"applied gfileutils"
 git checkout upstream;git checkout -b mer/35-gmessages
 patch -p1 < ../patches/35-gmessages.patch
 git commit -am"applied gmessages"
 git checkout upstream ;git checkout -b mer/40-gscanner
 patch -p1 < ../patches/40-gscanner.patch
 git commit -am"applied gscanner"
 git checkout upstream ;git checkout -b mer/45-gunicode
 patch -p1 < ../patches/45-gunicode.patch
 git commit -am"applied gunicode"
 git checkout upstream ;git checkout -b mer/50-gthread
 patch -p1 < ../patches/50-gthread.patch
 git commit -am"applied gthread"
 git checkout upstream ;git checkout -b mer/60-wait-longer-for-threads-to-die
 patch -p1 < ../patches/60_wait-longer-for-threads-to-die.patch
 git commit -am"applied wait-longer-for-threads-to-die"
 git checkout upstream ;git checkout -b mer/70_use-monotonic-clock-for-timeouts
 patch -p1 < ../patches/70_use-monotonic-clock-for-timeouts.patch
 git commit -am"applied use-monotonic-clock-for-timeouts"

Now to create a Mer glib from a master

 git checkout --track origin/master

Upgrade entire glib

 git merge upstream

Now we apply in series order.. feel free to do this in different orders

 git merge mer/60-wait-longer-for-threads-to-die
 git merge mer/25-gatomic
 git merge mer/30-gfileutils
 git merge mer/35-gmessages
 git merge mer/40-gscanner
 git merge mer/45-gunicode
 git merge mer/50-gthread
 git merge mer/70_use-monotonic-clock-for-timeouts

Previous Mer patches...

 git merge origin/mer/libtool
 git merge origin/mer/obs-fix

(up to date!)

Now we have a new release

 editor ChangeLog
 git add ChangeLog
 git commit -m"2.20.1-mer1"
 git tag 2.20.1-mer1

And a new Mer release

 git checkout --track origin/Mer
 git merge master
 editor debian/changelog
 git add debian/changelog
 git commit -m"Mer_2.20.1-mer1"
 git tag Mer_2.20.1-mer1

Now push

 git push --all
 git push --tags

Working from Gitorious

This should be written to say "Clone this repository on gitorious" and then publish back there and then submit a pull request to Mer.

For core work:


 git clone$GPKG.git
 git checkout --track origin/Mer

determine which feature or branch needs work. Then:

 git checkout --track origin/mer/<feature>


Ready to test? You need to make a local test branch based on Mer

 git checkout Mer
 git checkout -b local
 git merge mer/<feature>

Build and test...

If this works OK then clean up your mer/<feature> branch... probably doing a --squash and push the branch to gitorious.