
My mind is blown. It never ceases to amaze me how one shmcuck in the comments make a massive jump in creative interpretation, and the angry lemming horde follows him off a cliff. (The same madness was evident all over Qt labs when Nokia purchased Trolltech)Nokia and Intel are unifying their userspace solutions, using Moblins core userspace and Qt etc on the front end.This does not mean that Nokia is completely changing its road map or scheduled devices. Imagine the next device (n9**) is a slightly improved hardware revision (realistic) with entirely new software (maemo6 going on Meego). These geek early adopters will be stumped by what exactly?I own an n900, have enjoyed several (significant) updates so far and look forward to 1.2 and beyond.(And for n8** users who want to draw analogy, that generation hardware has an MBX GPU and the associated drivers were never released into the wild. Maemo5 was not an option without GL)