Uploading to Extras-devel



  • A Garage account: [signup]
  • An "invitation" to upload, email niels@maemo.org
  • Permission to promote, email niels@maemo.org
  • ssh-keygen
  • debsign


setting up SSH and PGP to upload to extras

Put you SSH key[1] and PGP key[2] into Garage

If you need to create a ssh key this boils down to:

ssk-keygen -t dsa(enter enter enter) and copy the content of .ssh/id_dsa.pub in the https://garage.maemo.org/my/contrib.php page

If you need to create a pgp key this boils down to:

gpg --gen-key enter names etc (enter enter enter) and export gpg --export --armor jqdoe@example.com to the https://garage.maemo.org/my/contrib.php page

Setting up scratchbox to use the extras repository

Add the extras repository to your scratch box install. Therefore you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list inside sbox and add:

#Maemo extras
deb http://repository.maemo.org/extras/ diablo free non-free
deb-src http://repository.maemo.org/extras/ diablo free

and run apt-get update


Describe: upload source package to diablo-extras-builder via dput[3], scp[4] or through the web interface[5].

Point to: existing documentation


Describe: reason for promotion interface

