

Free Development Box

I have set up a server for folks to use that don't have access to a /scratchbox, can't set one up, want a faster one, etc. If you would like access to it, drop me a note at


The website has subdirs for users if they want to share the .debs they make. I have made mine a repository so packages can be grabbed with the Hildon Application Manager or apt-get.


This is my buildrepo script. I think I may change the repository setup so I have fremantle, harmattan, etc. sub-directories. It is not generating .diffs, which would make `apt-get update`s faster, but then again, it's a teeny repo right now so that probably doesn't matter. Tips welcome.


# Binary Packages
dpkg-scanpackages dists/unstable/main/binary-armel /dev/null | gzip -9c > dists/unstable/main/binary-armel/Packages.gz

# Source Packages
dpkg-scansources dists/unstable/main/source /dev/null | gzip -9c > dists/unstable/main/source/Sources.gz


The build server is running as a qemu guest. It is launched from the host thusly:


/usr/local/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 \
        -drive \
        file=/kvm/flauta.qcow2,index=0,if=virtio,cache=writeback,boot=on \
    -drive \
        file=/kvm/www-freemoe.qcow2,index=1,if=virtio,cache=writeback \
    -drive \
        file=/kvm/scratchbox1.qcow2,index=2,if=virtio,cache=writeback \
        -cpu qemu32 \
        -m 2048 \
        -vnc :5 \
        -daemonize \
    -enable-kvm \
    -name flauta \
    -net nic,vlan=0,model=virtio \
    -net user,hostfwd=tcp:,hostfwd=tcp: \
    -smp 8 \
    -runas jebba
  • It is running the "current" QEMU git (d0be2513d5eefb47a83f9a303fe142dd8ef72848).
  • Host kernel is custom 2.6.32.
  • Guest is running Debian Lenny with stock Lenny kernel.
  • The guest is running a custom 2.6.32 kernel now. A good sample .config optimized for qemu would be fantastic. Currently only seeing 883M (before seeing 2G) likely due to turning off 4G/4G which I turned off for speed per QEMU docs. Not sure if lots of memory will speed things up anyway--the filesystem will just get cached on the host.
  • The guest panicked once (when building a kernel.deb for ARM running `dpkg-buildpackage -j8 -rfakeroot -b`...), hence the drive to run a more recent guest kernel.