User:Magick777/My N900 Scheduling


Approaches to scheduling



What do I need to schedule



  • Reset data counters, monthly (done via Alarmed)


Criteria for scheduling events

Cron-based scheduling

Certain actions need to be scheduled according to time of day, week or month, i.e. as per the scheduling behaviour of the Unix cron daemon. There seem to be two viable ways of achieving this, via fcron and Alarmed. The [fcron] page is well-written and useful, but I think Alarmed is the better tool for the job, partly on the strength of the GUI and partly because it uses an existing daemon rather than adding another one.

System event scheduling

Calendar-based scheduling

Location-based scheduling

Changelog for scheduled events

This will be moved to the bottom of the page later.


  • Installed 'alarmed' from extras-devel, had to ln -sf python2.5 to /usr/bin/python
  • Configured alarmed to reset GPRS data at 0000 on 1st of each month