Community mailing lists
There are several different mailing lists affiliated with this community. When signing up for any list, keep in mind that the community is very active -- it is not unusual to receive numerous e-mails a day, based on which lists you are subscribed to. You can either choose to receive individual e-mail messages from the list(s) or daily digests containing multiple e-mail messages per digest.
Contents[hide] |
The following mailing lists are available at
- maemo-announce
- News and updates about and Maemo
- maemo-users
- For Maemo users
- maemo-developers
- For Maemo developers and hackers
- maemo-community
- For web and community-process related discussions
- maemo-commits
- For following Maemo svn commit activity
- testing-squad
- For the Testing Squad
In addition to these general-interest mailing list, there are several more specialised project-specific mailing lists, some of which are listed below..
Subscribing via the web
To subscribe to a mailing list, follow the instructions on the list's web-page.
Note! Before reporting problems, asking questions or introducing a newly ported application please check the list archives or our web pages.
Subscribing by Email
You can also subscribe to a mailing list by sending an email with the subject subscribe to one of the following addresses:
You will receive an email to confirm your subscription. The only thing you need to do when this email arrives is to reply.
Note! Please do not edit the Subject field of your reply!
Subscribing via Nabble
The Nabble forum allow users to browse the maemo community mailing lists like a internet forum, is also possible to reply to the lists trough the Nabble forum.
Archives of the Maemo mailing lists are available through the links below:
- archives of maemo-announce
- archives of maemo-users
- archives of maemo-developers
- archives of maemo-commits
- archives of maemo-community (formerly maemo2midgard-discussion)
- archives of testing-squad
Project specific mailing lists
In addition to the general interest mailing lists, there are many project-specific mailing lists hosted on Garage. A full list of mailing lists hosted on Garage is available at
Here is a selection of the most active mailing lists (please feel free to add your personal favourite list if it is not here yet):
- modest-users: A list for users of the popular Modest email client
- pymaemo-developers: A list for developers who want to create Python applications for Maemo
Gmane Archives
Gmane, an excellent resource for mailing list archives of free software projects archives Maemo list discussions.
Maemo Announcements
Maemo Community
List for community development
Development list of the embedded linux distro used for Nokia Internet Tablets, and the n900.
Build Logs
Build logs from Maemo's "extras" autobuilder (read-only)
Modest Development
Modest development
Modest users
Modest users
Users of the Maemo Unofficial Debs (MUD) toolset
Maemo Commits
maemo commits
Maemo User
For Nokia Maemo users (non-public)
Debian Maemo Development
Debian development list for maemo packages
Debian Maemo Maintainers
Debian maintainer list for maemo packages
RSS Feeds
Gmane also has RSS feeds of the mailing lists.
- maemo announcements
- maemo-community -- List for community development
- maemo-devel
- Build logs from maemo's "extras" autobuilder (read-only)
- modest-devel
- Modest users
- Users of the Maemo Unofficial Debs (MUD) toolset
- maemo commits
- For Nokia Maemo users (non-public)
- Debian development list for maemo packages
- Debian maintainer list for maemo packages
- This page was last modified on 1 June 2018, at 10:29.
- This page has been accessed 264,703 times.