Disable the ambient light sensor
The N900 contains a Taos TSL2563[1] Ambient Light Sensor (ALS). This light sensor is used to auto-adjust the screen brightness relative to your preferred brightness setting. Some users may find this auto-adjusting to be annoying, when the screen dims every time you hold your finger over the screen, or trying to use the phone outdoors.
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[edit] Prerequisites
You will need to install the rootsh package.
[edit] Disabling the ALS
TMO user dr_frost_dk discovered[2] a simple way to disable the ALS:
sudo gainroot sed -ie 's/brightness-als/brightness-simple/' /etc/mce/mce.ini killall mce
No reboot is required for the new setting to take effect.
Please note that the actual ALS device is not disabled; it still functions and can be used by other applications. This setting only disables its influence on the screen's backlight.
[edit] Re-enabling the ALS
If you want to change back to the original setting:
sudo gainroot sed -ie 's/brightness-simple/brightness-als/' /etc/mce/mce.ini killall mce
No reboot is required for the new setting to take effect.
The backlight will once again be influenced by the ALS.
[edit] References
- This page was last modified on 26 November 2011, at 13:04.
- This page has been accessed 26,326 times.