Fremantle closed packages/bt-firmware
Closed source package bt-firmware
As name suggest, this is bluetooth firmware. BCM2048 is the name of the Bluetooth chip from Broadcom. Chip is combo chip and it contains bluetooth, and FM-radio receiver (FM-radio transmitter is in another chip: Silicon Labs Si4713 chipset).
Default installed version:
bt-firmware: Installed: 0.21-rc3+0m5
Provides files:
No package depends on it.
If removed (not suggested)
*Not critical: device will still start *Can't turn bluetooth ON (as expected). *'About'-box will not show bluetooth address (cat /sys/devices/platform/hci_h4p/bdaddr is still showing it). *FM-radio receiving stop working (error message: 'cannot activate chip') (*FM-radio transmitting works as it is not in this chip)
MeeGo has closed source but redistributable (only for non-commercial usage) package 'bcm-bt-firmware' with description
Firmware image for the BCM bluetooth chip. Firmware image is needed to boot up bluetooth chip that is found in Nokia Internet Tablets. Version: 0.21rc3
It has file BCM2048B0_002.001.011.0190.0192.c.bin which has same md5sum than bcmfw
37db4bcf79fa7a85f1331c6df19115b9 /lib/firmware/bcmfw.bin
License of BCM2048B0_002.001.011.0190.0192.c.bin
Copyright (c) Nokia Corporation 2010 All Rights Reserved. This material, including documentation and any related computer programs, is protected by copyright controlled by Nokia Corporation. All rights are reserved. Modifying, adapting and/or translating, any or all of this material requires the prior written consent of Nokia. Distribution for commercial purposes not allowed without prior written approval from Nokia.
This Meego firmware can be downloaded from Nemo OBS repository:
It is RPM archive with TAR archive with firmware file, unpack and install it as:
rpm2cpio bcm-bt-firmware-0.21rc3-1.2.Nemo.Adaptation.N900.src.rpm | cpio -v -i -d -m tar -x < bcm-bt-firmware-0.21rc3.tar.bz2 mkdir -p /lib/firmware/nokia cp -a bcm-bt-firmware-0.21rc3/BCM2048B0_002.001.011.0190.0192.c.bin /lib/firmware/nokia/bcmfw.bin
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